Updated pics on a /my showcase hell update profile period

So for years I have always had my favorite pics on the top of my showcase and at the bottom my most recent ones try never to be more than 30 days old. THE AVITAR change it and update it often and on my profile I had an insert saying just that the top pictures are my all time favorites the middle ones are throughout and the last ones are with in the month.

I FIGURED it would be nice to see my different hair style, weight changes and clothes and pose change through out the times as long as you had very recent photos you could get a better feel of me and my vibe.

HOWEVER LOTS OF MEN DO NOT READ AND IT BECAME AN ISSUE ON A POST / REVIEW A HIGHLY POSTER/ HOBBIER suggested quote un quote because of the many Fuck tards on this site just save yourself heart ache and remove all old pictures. EVEN IF YOU DO HAVE IT IN WRITING THAT THEY ARE JUST PART OF HOW AND WHO YOU ARE..

Well I will be 46 tomorrow and as of 1 hr ago the last 3 pictures were taken last night the other 9 where taken in August and the top ones are from 2014

And after reviewing my entire profile I had to make changes on alot of things it Had Cypress Texas as home city it had age at 44 I thought it updated with each birthday on file., my bad I was born in 69 never lie about my age., I will have to update it again tomorrow.

LADIES DO A PROFILE PIC CHECK AND BUMP YOUR BUSINESS and men if there is a lady you like or know and you know info on her profile is dated give her a nudge remind her she no longer lives in the city that shows, Offer to take a few shots of her with her phone before your next session so she can add a few updated pics to her show case

Making sure correct info on your profile is a vital matter to your pickets.

just my 2 cents