OK Im coming 27th, 28th, and 29th Memphis or Knoxville?

Chellablaine's Avatar
I plan on a visit with a friend, and Im unsure which area, I have requests for both but may only get to one city.

So which area is in need of some talent from a busty blonde and a busty red head? lol
memdal's Avatar
Unfortunately, I will be out of town myself those dates, so unable to enjoy a visit. But, consider this a vote for a visit to Memphis.
DallasRain's Avatar
both are great cities!! I had a blast in both!!!

Have fun!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Knoxville is my atf area to visit, but you can't go wrong with Memphis. They will wear your butt out if you let them lol.

Hey Kym watch this and tell me what area this reminds you of.

Chellablaine's Avatar
LMAO! She is quoting me!!! Deff the "whoopy fucking doo!" and " jerk yourself off" HAHA, love it! You know me for sure.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Oh and I got delayed, but coming! Look for the ad Im about to post! woohoo! whoopy happy fucking doo!
London Rayne's Avatar
One of the D.C. boys posted it on TBD and Brooke was like, "OMG that's London Rayne." Not quite since I have a better disposition when telling people off lol, but close. Are you going to meet me in Knox. or coming later in the week?
Chellablaine's Avatar
Depends on the day you are arriving since Im driving. I cant carry all my whips, oils, and restraints on the plane lol.

Call me with the days, Im too lazy to look up your ads, haha!
London Rayne's Avatar
Sheesh do some research kid! I will be there week after next, but I think you will be in Memphis? Have a blast either way, and I hope you do GRRRREAT!
Chellablaine's Avatar
Nope Memphis tomorrow thru Thursday then to Florida a few days, Ill head back to Tn before I head to Cali.
Is a trip to Houston in the works as well? hhhmmm
London Rayne's Avatar
Nice try Ike, but I believe we have had this discussion already lol.

When the going rate in Texas gets up to at least 4, you let us know..until then get your azz down here!!
Chellablaine's Avatar
Umm yeh what she said. My massage rate is more than most FS rates in Houston. Im really not one to negotiate my talents either. Refer to the video, lmao!

Im being bombarded here in Memphis! They have some awesome men here. I might swing back through next week and hit chatanooga then to knoxville. Maybe I should do a few ads, lol, then again they have been emailing me anyway. this is INSANE! I love it!
London Rayne's Avatar
Told ya! They will wear you out in a good way in TN. They know how to treat a lady, tip, and omg the bfe benefits are second to none. Can't wait to get back there.
Yeah, you could starve in Texas! And I'm from DFW! Oh my!