Barter Session - Need a Skilled/Professional Carpenter

Hi Hobbyists,

I am looking for a very skilled hobby or professional grade carpenter/electrition to build a shelf for me that takes up an entire wall. I will assist you where possible, and will buy the needed materials. Said shelf needs to be rated to bear approximately 200 pounds per shelf. Looking for something furniture grade with crown molding and a mahogany stain. I also want it to have recessed lighting incorporated. It must be able to accomodate bulbs in the range of 250 watts safely (as my pets require heat lamps). We can negotiate the number of sessions. The shelf will need to be able to fit through the door so that it can come with me when I get ready to move. I am wanting something very nice, so I anticipate several hour long sessions to compensate you. I will want to see your past work, so a portfolio and means to prove legitimacy of skill set will be expected, as equivilant options for my expectations are priced around $4000-$6000.
knotty man's Avatar
200 lbs. per shelf?
even at just 5 shelves ,thats a half ton.
can your flooring hold that kinda weight?
The place I live at right now does not have a floor that will hold that level of weight, but I am planning for the long term, and do not want to have to replace this once made even when I purchase a home at some point. So, while it is overkill for the time being, my long term plan will need structural integrity and support. Further, I would much rather the shelf have the capability of supporting far greater weight than is needed, than risk it being at capacity and buckling, cages shattering as a result, and releasing animals much to their detriment. I very much doubt the neighbors would think twice about harming or even killing some of my pets. While this would anger me greatly, I must take every precaution, and therefore responsibility by being well prepared. This is only one precaution of several that I am taking. I also intend a wooden lip to secure cages from both top and bottom, the room will be locked, each cage will be locked, and signage posted. Suffice it to say that if someone somehow managed to access my animals without my permission, they would really have to be trying, and if dealing with me in such an event isn't deterrent enough, I can assure you that many of my current or planned pets pack an unpleasant punch via either tooth, claw, or venom. This is why I absolutely insist upon overkill safety and security precautions.
Gotta respect the level of dedication required to responsibly keep exotic animals. And if I might extrapolate from my time with Lioness, the person who takes on this project will not be shortchanged.