Ladies, forget about VD, let's celebrate Independents' Day

Mr Peabody's Avatar
Valentine Day was created by greeting card companies for the express benefit of candy makers, jewelers, and florists. It is based on the Hollywood romantic fairy tale that there is perfect Billy-Joe match for every Bobby-Sue. Most of you have been there and for various reasons left that couples world behind. Still, societal mores imply that your solitary existence is a less desirable alternative to monogamous relationships. This holiday which celebrates devoted togetherness can threaten your self-worth and heighten your feelings of loneliness with acute ferocity.

As an alternative to these depressing feelings, please be proud of your independence. In particular, realize that you have toiled to create a business. You are the CEO, CFO, CTO, marketing department and janitor of your corporation. You have created a small business without any assistance from the SBA. Small businesses have a bigger impact on driving the economy than large companies. Collectively you ladies probably support an equal number of jobs in our community.

Although it doesn't always show, us mongers, white knights, and newbies appreciate your creativity and dedication to customer satisfaction. Thank you for having the courage to invent your business.

Let's consider this coming Saturday to be Independents' Day. Ladies, in your self-sufficient style you should celebrate your entrepreneur-ism by treating yourself to something; a movie matinee perhaps.

If you were offended by this post, then it was not meant for you and please move along.

By the way, Austin ladies have better GFE than anywhere else in the world!
Uh oh, sounds like someone isn't going to be cuddled up on Saturday
Dude it's an open door to opportunity, embrace it.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Mr rocker you are so wrong about Saturday.

So you think the ladies would prefer the token cheap bouquet from 7-11 over our sincere respect.
I'm covered. The lady of my choice and I will be having a great time.
I'm sure whom ever you make an appointment with will enjoy your respect.
Mine will love the flowers, because they came from me, bank on it.

What I get reading your thread is that you believe because these ladies are providers, that they don't have anyone in their lives that will buy them flowers and treat them as their valentines, thus the depressing part you speak of. I think most of them do have someone, and they will enjoy the day just fine.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I prefer the swing lifestyle instead of monogamy. Lol.
But I agree that it's a holiday that does make those that are single very aware of that status. My daughter told me a few years ago that it is AKA Single Awareness Day. Even those who are perfectly happy being single most of the year get bombarded with happy V Day texts or messages and it can get annoying depending on my mood or state of mind that day. But when I'm told Happy V Day I will simply reply Thanks and Happy Single Awareness Day. They can take it in whatever tone they want. If I'm having a bad day I may say Thanks for reminding me that I'm single.
Tammie you know you want some dashing young man or maybe men to bring you gifts and sweep you off your feet.....don't even lie girl
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I didn't say one way or the other.
Hmmmm what kind of gift or gifts would I like? Something nice and hard sounds good to me. ....
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Independent's Day? Ah luvs meh some 90's alien invasion ackshun movies!

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-12-2015, 10:26 PM
I think it's a perfect day to get a "Heart On". But this might be a good time to remind all of you with SO's regarding the dangers of forgetting.
GneissGuy's Avatar
You need more careful word choice. The title of this thread sounds like you're advocating BBFS.
Mr . Peabody, I get you. Thank you. You are a sweetheart.
Guest010619's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mr Peabody;1056371406]Valentine Day was created by greeting card companies for the express benefit of candy makers, jewelers, and florists. It is based on the Hollywood romantic fairy tale that there is perfect Billy-Joe match for every Bobby-Sue. Most of you have been there and for various reasons left that couples world behind. Still, societal mores imply that your solitary existence is a less desirable alternative to monogamous relationships. This holiday which celebrates devoted togetherness can threaten your self-worth and heighten your feelings of loneliness with acute ferocity.

So, who invented Friday 13th?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-15-2015, 09:35 PM
^^^^ The Knights Templar