Did Mimi change her name ? Or is someone ripping off her ad?

Jwillie's Avatar
If it were? Would it be wise announcing it to the world? SMDH
GneissGuy's Avatar
It's the same account she's been using for 2 years with a new name. It says "sweetmimi" as her web site address in her ad. If you click on her ID and look at old posts or reviews, it's the same account.
illuminati's Avatar
I thought she was introducing a new girl, not a name change.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Smh again, idiot # 2
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Mebbe sum folks wach a lot of Law & Order: SVU or CSI: Las Vegas an' git carried away when theys spot a misstery an' try ta git ta tha bottum o' things all real dramatical-like.

Meh, Ah waches meh sum Elemunmentery. Thet's tha one thet takes ol' Sherlock Holmes and Watson an' puts 'em in New Yawk City inna present day, 'xceptin' ol' Watson is thet hot Asian chick frum tha Charlie's Angels movie. Ah usually rub one out twice durin' tha show, but it's on fer an hour, so thet ain't nuthin' speshul. Heck, sumtimes Ah kin rub three out if'n Ah gots mah anal beads handy an' a l'il teeny-tiny bit o' sum CVS muscle cream rub ta lube 'em up wif. Wooooo Dogies! Thet'll shore get mah prosamahtate gland a-werkin' o'ertime! An' Ah kinda laik thet menthol smell. Reminds meh o' smokin' Kools while Ah wuz werkin' fer tha CIA a-interror-mah-gatin' dubble agents. Good times, muthafukkahs. Good times.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-20-2015, 02:10 PM
She's changed her handle. No ripoff.
