Providers Randomly Texting Former Clients

This is becoming an issue for me. Let me just say, I "INQUIRED" of a young new ebony provider of her general location for travel purposes to possibly see her if it could work. She is pretty far off and I told her maybe another time but no thanks.

Not kidding, 5 days later, I get cryptic emails from this young lady on my phone. Now.. a married guy is going to get hammered if this happens to him. She's quite new so I guess that's why she doesn't know.

Then, THIS MORNING at 12:31am, a provider I have seen, TEXT'S my ass randomly for no reason and tells me her phone is "retarded" oh sorry, then ends it with 'well hey how's it going" ..

I know people need to make money, but soliciting via text is just dumb.

This stuff needs to stop immediately and I am really about to the leave the hobby altogether if it doesn't.

Anyone else out there have trouble with this???
JCM800's Avatar
Have you considered using a hobby phone?
I am really about to the leave the hobby
Originally Posted by mmakansas70
Well sorry to hear that and that is a concern...JCM suggestion is a good one or making sure you communicate that up front with the provider.

I will tell ya though if you do leave the hobby will never be the same without you!
I'm having the same issue with a young ebony provider who was recently given the ban hammer from here.

She's texted me several times, I've asked her to stop, she keeps doing it. Not sure what to do about it, but I do know her phone is tied to her, ahem, management and I'm guessing he's the one trying to drum up business.

I know its my own fault for not having a drop phone, but I honestly don't hobby enough to feel like its justified, and until now have never had this issue...
One solution may be getting a text/call blocker from your App store. I don't have those issues form a provider, but I keep getting random unsolicited texts from some sort of gambling place. I don't gamble and have never gambled.

I use Calls Blacklist.The app works wonders for me. I also works for phone calls. When the text or call comes in fro the number in question, it just dismisses it with out the notification sounding. It's worth a try. Hopefully it solves your problem.

She sounds like a winner and isn't likely to stop calling.
This is absolutely unacceptable, a provider should never contact a client unless there's been an appointment set. I am hearing ALL too often about provider's crossing the line, calling, texting, even showing up at someone's house unexpected, begging for money, in one case only a day after they'd been given $600. I actually almost started a similar thread, not to call anyone out but to put in my two cents on the situation. It really is a shame, there are some great guys here in KC and it's sad that some women are so fast to take advantage of them. Granted, we ALL have good days and bad, some days are MUCH easier than others. But at the end of the day if you are in this because you truly enjoy what you do, you're making a living, supporting your family whatever the case may be, in this hobby your reputation will always
eventually catch up to you. If you always have a bad attitude, a dirty room, can't keep your word, barely put in any hard work, expect the world to fall at your feet, use and abuse your clients, THEY'RE GOING TO STOP SEEING YOU!!!! Wether people find out about you in reviews or one at a time, on their own accord. Once you burn someone, there's no going back. How do you expect ANYONE to continue to give you their money if you can't even give a proper experience, if you can't even conduct your business like a grown woman!! It's ridiculous. #MyTwoCents
skbinks's Avatar
Use a google number and you can block it pretty easy there too.
Use a google number and you can block it pretty easy there too. Originally Posted by skbinks
This is what I do. Added bonus for me is that if a girl is text friendly I can use my computer to text since Im probably at it also. Now if only Verizon would allow MMS messages to Google Voice like other carriers do. That way I wouldnt have to check my email to see the pics.
DallasRain's Avatar
This is absolutely unacceptable, a provider should never contact a client unless there's been an appointment set. I am hearing ALL too often about provider's crossing the line, calling, texting, even showing up at someone's house unexpected, begging for money, in one case only a day after they'd been given $600. I actually almost started a similar thread, not to call anyone out but to put in my two cents on the situation. It really is a shame, there are some great guys here in KC and it's sad that some women are so fast to take advantage of them. Granted, we ALL have good days and bad, some days are MUCH easier than others. But at the end of the day if you are in this because you truly enjoy what you do, you're making a living, supporting your family whatever the case may be, in this hobby your reputation will always
eventually catch up to you. If you always have a bad attitude, a dirty room, can't keep your word, barely put in any hard work, expect the world to fall at your feet, use and abuse your clients, THEY'RE GOING TO STOP SEEING YOU!!!! Wether people find out about you in reviews or one at a time, on their own accord. Once you burn someone, there's no going back. How do you expect ANYONE to continue to give you their money if you can't even give a proper experience, if you can't even conduct your business like a grown woman!! It's ridiculous. #MyTwoCents Originally Posted by JessicaKCRabbit

I do have some repeat gents I will email to let know my upcoming schedule...but I always tell them to inform me if that is not acceptable.

No provider should ever text a gent "out of the blue" is the most "indescrete" way to communicate!
skbinks's Avatar
Now if only Verizon would allow MMS messages to Google Voice like other carriers do. That way I wouldn't have to check my email to see the pics. Originally Posted by bigryan2222
huh? They do. I have Verizon and am using the Googles "Hangouts Dialer", I send and receive pictures just fine. Google Voice Gets Native MMS Support, Brings Verizon Into the Fold
Not that bad. Saw a more expensive provider (not in KC ) a few weeks back and she keeps texting. She obviously wants repeat business.
huh? They do. I have Verizon and am using the Googles "Hangouts Dialer", I send and receive pictures just fine. Google Voice Gets Native MMS Support, Brings Verizon Into the Fold Originally Posted by skbinks
Obviously Verizon was late to the show compared to others and I had not heard they added it. I dont have it going through google hangouts due to irritation I had with the it a while back.
I don't like to text a client unless he texts me first. Some ladies think oh if I text him he will come see me. NOT TRUE... I think its wrong for a provider to text a client period for so many reasons.
FLA's Avatar
  • FLA
  • 06-11-2015, 06:19 PM
This is absolutely unacceptable, a provider should never contact a client unless there's been an appointment set. I am hearing ALL too often about provider's crossing the line, calling, texting, even showing up at someone's house unexpected, begging for money, in one case only a day after they'd been given $600. I actually almost started a similar thread, not to call anyone out but to put in my two cents on the situation. It really is a shame, there are some great guys here in KC and it's sad that some women are so fast to take advantage of them. Granted, we ALL have good days and bad, some days are MUCH easier than others. But at the end of the day if you are in this because you truly enjoy what you do, you're making a living, supporting your family whatever the case may be, in this hobby your reputation will always
eventually catch up to you. If you always have a bad attitude, a dirty room, can't keep your word, barely put in any hard work, expect the world to fall at your feet, use and abuse your clients, THEY'RE GOING TO STOP SEEING YOU!!!! Wether people find out about you in reviews or one at a time, on their own accord. Once you burn someone, there's no going back. How do you expect ANYONE to continue to give you their money if you can't even give a proper experience, if you can't even conduct your business like a grown woman!! It's ridiculous. #MyTwoCents Originally Posted by JessicaKCRabbit
Jessica has it straight! 😘😘😘
And buy a burner phone!
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-11-2015, 06:43 PM
I'm sorry that this happened to you mma. It truly is a problem. I had this happen with a few providers. "I'm in town, I have a special just for you, I need." One even went as far to incorporate how my assistance absolutely necessary as she needed to feed her kids. WTF!?! You mean to tell me the last $$ I spent with you couldn't buy a box of cereL & milk!?! It didn't stop with one of them so I finally changed my number.