The type of pussy I don't like.....

Raquel de Milo's Avatar
Is the kind that looks like a man, talks like a man and is equipped like a man but acts like a pussy...

Yes, I'm venting... I feel that after I have given 121 okays on P411 and have had 43 wonderful reviews and a clean hobby record I have the right to vent... Especially about pussy guys.... also give other providers some useful info.

He is a time waster and just plain rude. After taking up more than enough time talking on the phone yesterday we agreed to meet this evening at my incall.
I do not live near my private incall so I left home several hours in advance to beat the traffic. We agreed to meet at 6pm, at 5pm he asks if he can come at 5:30, I told him that I had just stepped out of the shower and might not be ready till 6pm. So at 6pm I gave him the gate code and instructions. Since I do use a private incall with an attached garage I like to leave that available for my guests to park and come inside in privacy rather than walking to the front door from guest parking outside the gate and knocking.... Makes sense right???
Obviously this must have scared him, he came inside and I greeted him with a hug and an inviting personality. He had a very rude demeanor which made me feel very uncomfortable but I assumed he was just nervous and I offered a bottle of water and a seat on the couch to chat and feel comfortable. He just sat there with a stupid look on his face looking all around like a ghost was flying in the air. He kept asking me personal questions like do you live here, where is your car, what time did you get here. At this point I'm getting really frustrated but still I do not show that. I ask him what he wants to do and he replies that he would like to go get something to eat as we had already agreed on yesterday. I said okay let me shut the lights off and lets get the donation out of the way. He states it is in his car so we head downstairs to the garage and he opens the garage door so we can leave and I go to lock the front door and he just pulls off and leaves.
I am just really upset about how rude he was and about my day wasted.
Also I would like to apologize to the ones I had to turn away for this pussy, I wish I had chosen differently.

Never have I given anyone a reason to feel uncomfortable around me and I do not like how I was treated, this makes it tough to want to make new friends in this world. I do not like the way he treated me, especially after all the effort I put into making my clients feel comfortable and giving them an enjoyable time. I put a lot of thought into satisfying my clients and I put a lot of effort into even creating a fun flipbook on my website to explain what to expect when visiting me at my incall. Maybe sticking with regulars is a good idea since I always feel good and have a great time.

His ter handle is yesdallas and I also have his P411 id should any ladies want to know it just pm me. He has 7 okays on P411.

Now I'm all pretty and prepared for fun that I won't be getting.... what a shame.
Thank goodness for Hitachi.... well I'm signing off and plugging in... lol

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-04-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm glad I don't have to put up with all the jerks you girls do. Hope the rest of your week is better.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Raquel you are one of the best. Anyone that doesn't treat you right is a fool.
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Raquel , sounds like you did all you could , and certainly much more than most ! Vent baby , vent ! Better times and better guys ahead ! Don't let the many suffer the consequences of the few . Nice to hear how well you treat others !! keep smiling , LLF61
OldGrump's Avatar
Unbelievable. He drove off after seeing you???

I hope his jar of Vaseline treats him well. I don't know who would want to see him after that.
Diver's Avatar
  • Diver
  • 12-04-2013, 07:14 PM
Sorry that happened Raquel his loss just another a hole. Yes I will wk here Raquel is a great lady.
bluejacket61's Avatar
Guys like that give us all a bad wrap. Why would someone do that to such a sweet lady.
Wow! That was so shitty! I'm so sorry he did that to you. Hopefully he will fade away rather quickly. Thank you for letting us know who to look out for.
That sucks! There are lots of good guys on P411 but unfortunately you might come across a weirdo or timewaster every now and then.. Sorry to hear that happened.

That Hitachi probably made you feel better
Thnx for the heads up on this guy.
Look at the bright side...

You probably avoided what was likely to be a very unenjoyable session that would not have been worth the money.
NeedABreather's Avatar
Raquel, you are one of the sexiest and sweetest ladies I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Any guy who can't see that for himself doesn't deserve you. Like you said, you have 43 wonderful reviews attesting to that fact. Anyone who can't get comfortable and relax with that kind of reassurance likely won't be around long enough to cause many more problems. I'm sorry you have to put up with @ssholes like that.
I'm sorry he wasted your time doll. You have every right to vent. Hope the rest of your week improves greatly.
DallasDoc's Avatar
What an idiot, he missed out on an incredible experience. A hobby moron for sure.
GentleSoul's Avatar
Having had the pleasure of a few special moments with you, I'm floored that any straight male would pull what this asshole did to you. You are a sensitive and caring woman, and this was certainly his loss. I've never met a provider who is as adventurous, inviting and satisfying as you are (and guys, when you'll read my soon to be completed review of a multi-day session, you'll have a better sense of what I mean). I apologize for all men that anyone would treat you so terribly.
From everything I've heard from other guys that have seen you I'm sure the issue wasn't you - everyone talks VERY highly of you. I think your explanation was very well written and you appear to be a very classy, sexy, and smart lady.