To All of you BBFS Predators Out there - F YOU!!!!

I am so tired of hearing how guys are trying to force BBFS directly or indirectly on providers and FBSM girls. Sneaking your dick into a girl whether covered or uncovered without her permission is called rape and can get you 10+ years - Dumb Ass. Shaming and Exploiting them by threatening to write a bad review if they dont give you BBFS is legal but sick - FU. Really I hope someone sticks a big shot of Krokidil in your Penis and it rots off for this type of behavior.

And the crazy thing is some of the biggest predators have a huge influence on this board....

Your wife wont give you any, you have no game and cant get any from the Civie world, so you are going force a provider for BBFS because you think she is desperate. No she has a job and the law on her side.

If you two people want to do BBFS with mutual acceptance of risk, then get after it, but dont exploit someone because you think you can!

Is there any level of decency out there still??????

Off my Soap Box ...Carry on.....
Not sure you should get off that soapbox. Threatening anyone is never cool, especially a woman giving herself to you.
Look up what rape is. Lack of a condom has nothing to do with it.
If you choke the chicken without a glove, that's OK, right?
phildo - That was funny...

OBSG - It is rape if you try to sneak it in there without her permission. No means No. It is sick but legal when you try to exploit someone that is vulnerable in your eyes....
  • lk
  • 12-12-2013, 03:37 PM
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 12-12-2013, 03:56 PM
sounds personal......
bored@home's Avatar
Just want to put this out there;
I have heard this rap before and from various people who do not seen to have connection to each other....not saying it is not true or advocating anything but unless you have physical proof or firsthand knowledge maybe don't dive head first.
Maybe in another thread we could cull all "woe is me", "my plight as a provider", and "save me please kind sir!!!! (with money)" back stories.

Not that all ladies do it but the story plots are often so similar I have been very tempted to finish the story for them. I am cynical by nature so perhaps I am the odd duck and the common path and plot twist are real

Either way good luck on your quest to change behavior through the Internet.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Every hobbyist has provider friends and no guy wants his friends jacked around by some dumbass trying to get a cheap cum shot. I've heard that line many times from the girls. Ask first and if the answer is no, no means no.
this shit is so pointless.. even if people are doing what you claim Do you really think they give a fuck about this post you made? fuck outta here dude.
If any guy did that to me he wouldn't have a dick left and that's all I have to say to that!!!!!!
And the crazy thing is some of the biggest predators have a huge influence on this board.... Originally Posted by gringo360
LickHer's Avatar
Good grief man. Who licked he red off your lollipop?
ShysterJon's Avatar
If you aren't willing to name names and produce evidence, then your righteous indignation rings hollow and your complaining is pointless.
Just a guess but I would say all providers go bb with someone on a volunteeer basis at one time. This turd seems angry none are going bb with him.