New to this area

Hey folks!
I just started in a new upper management job. The only thing is, it's up here in Ottawa Canada! The good news is that all my travelling will be in Dallas, as this is where our head quarters are for training and such.
I hobby back home and since I'll be travelling to Dallas 6-8 times a year, I thought, why not see how the scene is out here.
I'm a 31(almost 32) year old gentleman, generous and have a sweet spot for redheads and 40+ milfs .
I hope to be seeing at least one of you on my trip down to your area at the end of January!

cheers for now
OldGrump's Avatar
Welcome. You will find that Dallas is as provider rich as Ontario is cold this time of year. Enjoy your visits but be careful, you may want to stay. How much vacation time do you get?
The trips down will always consist of 4 nights and 5 days, always week days and never weekends.
As much I love nice climate like Dallas, I love my snow and snowmobiles!
Welcome to Dallas.....please include me on your list of mature red-heads. (smile)