When in doubt, start more shit with Iran.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suppose the options are war and war.

When will he pull the trigger (and then call it back, saving millions of lives?)

Art of the deal?


Trump escalates tensions with Iran by imposing sanctions on foreign minister

July 31, 2019, 4:36 PM CDT
The US has imposed sanctions on Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif - ratcheting up tensions between the two countries and denting the possibility of diplomatic talks.

Mr Zarif - an important figure in the now-abandoned 2015 Iran nuclear deal and an outspoken critic of the US on Twitter - insisted the move would have no effect on him.

Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said: "Javad Zarif implements the reckless agenda of Iran’s Supreme Leader, and is the regime's primary spokesperson around the world.

"The United States is sending a clear message to the Iranian regime that its recent behaviour is completely unacceptable."

In a tweeted response, Mr Zarif was defiant: “The US' reason for designating me is that I am Iran's 'primary spokesperson around the world’. Is the truth really that painful? It has no effect on me or my family, as I have no property or interests outside of Iran. Thank you for considering me such a huge threat to your agenda."

Travel visas - for trips to the United Nations, for example - would be considered on a case-by-case basis, the Trump administration said.

The UN's General Assembly takes place in September.In recent months, relations between the two countries have deteriorated rapidly - tankers have been attacked in the Gulf, which the US has blamed on Iran, and an air-strike was planned than aborted by Donald Trump after a US drone was downed by Iran's military.

Mr Trump is open to talks with Iran, according to agency reports, but the administration does not see Mr Zarif as a key decision maker.

Agencies contributed to this report.
bambino's Avatar
Or, give them a plane full of $100 bills! Yeah, let’s do that again so they can fund terror thru out the Middle East and Israel!!!!! Where’s Obama when Iran needs him!!!!
I suppose the options are war and war.

When will he pull the trigger (and then call it back, saving millions of lives?)

Art of the deal? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So are you taking issue with the use of sanctions that were both planned and anticipated?
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2019, 09:48 AM
YR - You have a better idea than appeasement of a terrorist sponsoring State?
Have no understanding of History and chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler??
No One wants War.

The Iranian theocracy is bound and determined to obtain nuclear weapons to attack Israel, and that is an attack on the US.

You have a better answer - or just DPST posturing????
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How does this positively impact any negotiation with Iran?

It doesn’t. It’s more saber rattling and, I might add, only to add drama to this reality show John Oliver calls “Stupid Watergate.”

Iran didn’t pull out of the nuclear deal. None of the other nations and organizations who signed on to the agreement did. Only we did.

But What the hell, eh? At least we get to see oeb11 name calling again.
How does this positively impact any negotiation with Iran?

It doesn’t. It’s more saber rattling and, I might add, only to add drama to this reality show John Oliver calls “Stupid Watergate.”

Iran didn’t pull out of the nuclear deal. None of the other nations and organizations who signed on to the agreement did. Only we did.

But What the hell, eh? At least we get to see oeb11 name calling again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How can you consider anything a positive negotiation with Iran right now. They are the ones attempting the saber rattling. Taking ships and escalating tensions.

And sure Iran didn't pull out of the agreement, they are just flagrantly touting how they are violating it and using those violations as a hammer for concessions.

And you want to limit sanctions on them and appease them further.

I'd laugh, if I didn't think you were serious. Had the previous administration levied sanctions it would have been the best thing since sliced bread, but since it's Trump not using the military and doing sanctions its suddenly bad.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Don't worry YR just like Vietnam they won't be sending you to war to defend the USA
Thank God
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2019, 01:10 PM
EccieLover replied quite well

I have nothing to Add
SomeOne who loves Iran; is an Iran apologist - is welcome to go join the Revolutionary Guard and serve the Ayatollahs
A deserved Gift to the Iranian theocracy.
How does this positively impact any negotiation with Iran? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What part of...YOU DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORIST...don't you understand!! Just when I thought you had some understand of that...
Would you have been against the Cuban blockade by JFK??
JFK rightfully stood his ground against the evil empire and for the freedom of the country.
rexdutchman's Avatar
IRAN has been outa control for years sooo the point IS what ,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2019, 07:29 AM
Trump pulled back the veil of secrecy and showed Iran as the rogue totalitarian regime it Is!
They are hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons to Destroy Israel - and US as well.

Their lawlessness in the Strait of Hormuz is just an example to apologists and appeasers - just like Chamberlain waved "Peace in our time" in his hand ( like Schiff and Nadler).
No One wants War - Op is terrified of radical Islamic Terrorists - and would have the US simply fall over and let Iran take over here. OP would like to see a US caliphate led by Iran.
Freedom is not free - let those who know not history repeat it - But Not here - OP can go to his Iran and Join the Revolutionary Guard just like all those other spineless appeasers of Iran's ambitions.
LexusLover's Avatar
"When in doubt, start more shit with Iran."
Especially, when you won't finish it ....

Damn ... that was 40 friggin years ago ....

.... YR didn't even know what a "thong" was back then! Or cared!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
40 years ago? That was about 40 years after you roamed the streets of Clarksville in your Buster Brown’s right, LL?

LexusLover's Avatar
40 years ago? That was about 40 years after you roamed the streets of Clarksville in your Buster Brown’s right, LL? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So now you're pretending you know where it is?

40 years ago I knew how to persuade a lady to slip out of her thong! You probably weren't even wearing thongs back then. Diapers? Or did they even bother?
How can you consider anything a positive negotiation with Iran right now. They are the ones attempting the saber rattling. Taking ships and escalating tensions.

And sure Iran didn't pull out of the agreement, they are just flagrantly touting how they are violating it and using those violations as a hammer for concessions.

And you want to limit sanctions on them and appease them further.

I'd laugh, if I didn't think you were serious. Had the previous administration levied sanctions it would have been the best thing since sliced bread, but since it's Trump not using the military and doing sanctions its suddenly bad. Originally Posted by eccielover
I'm still waiting why sanctions are now suddenly bad in this "negotiation".

SomeOne doesn't seem to be able to support their Hypocrisy in starting threads for the sake of "Trump bad".