Iraq parliament tells the US to get the fuck out

HoeHummer's Avatar
Who’s the winners in this deal?

I suppose nobody is going to think about Trumps impeachment’s now, eh?

Big fucking surprise!
LexusLover's Avatar
Wrong again!

The Iraqi resolution that must be signed by the "Boss," says ALL FOREIGN TROOPS OUT .... guess what, slow poke! Kuwait wants them! The can't kick out the U.S. troops on U.S. territory in Iraq. No more aid!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Low level politicians have no clue as to what's actually going on.
ISIS is not defeated, just run out of places they previously had set up shop.
The Iraq assembly has just invited the Iranians to just flock accross the border.
LexusLover's Avatar
So, HoesHummer, you think Trump will be impeached because the Iraqis kicked out our troops?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are a daft twat, Lexsy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Low level illegal aliens in Canada have no clue as to what's actually going on. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Fixed it for you!

The other shoe falls soon enough!

I hope Trump sticks them along our Southern border, if he doesn't install them in Kuwait....and I suspect Pompeo discussed the matter with our allies in the region ... to beef up their resources ... saw he met with Pompeo yesterday.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yous are a daft twat, Lexsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
YOUS a "Low level illegal alien in Canada" ....!
It is quite possible that this was the intended(hoped for) response. It is a clean excision of effort that creates a paradigm that holds the US is blameless for the consequences of leaving.

Note that the US gets nothing for providing Iraq with security. We didn't want to be there, stated repeatedly we wouldn't stay there, and want to leave there.

The Eurofascist are shitting their pants as we speak.

Does anyone find it odd that the inner debates of national security discussions are fully disclosed within hours of those discussions? Do the leftwing thugs on this site agree and support this dissemination?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Left wing thugs?

The fucks are you on about, Sonny Jim?

I say let them crash.

But as long as Trumps actions puts others at risk — which is Americans as well as coalition members (fortunately Canada troops left a few years ago), he should stop acting likes a spoiled brats. He’s outs of his element, and yous all know it.
winn dixie's Avatar
the only thing canadas military has ever done is drop their guns like their mother land france does.
LexusLover's Avatar
Left wing thugs?
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That's YOUS HoesHummer .... you're one if I've ever seen one!

And in the true tradition of a Left Wing Thug ....

..... you are extraordinarily dumb and uneducated.

If the Iranians want to "own" Iraq they have to pay for it!
LexusLover's Avatar
the only thing canadas military has ever done is drop their guns like their mother land france does. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Canada (like Mexico to a degree) has always been in a special status as being within the defense cover zone of the United States and most particularly along the Western front as far as Canada is concerned. Of course, Mexico had a treaty with Nazis Germany during WWII and Canada when under the influence of the Gaulists had an antagonistic attitude toward the U.S., but that was more arrogance and snobbishness. That "cover" has provided the Canadians the freedom to expend tax dollars on more nonmilitary endeavors. ...

.... like support Thugs like YR aka HoesHummer!

The materiel and locations are pretty much mapped/gps-ed by now and like the deadly road to and from the Baghdad airport won't be difficult to gps at the appropriate moment. Hopefully the ProIran crowd will take advantage of the U.S. droppings.
HoeHummer's Avatar
the only thing canadas military has ever done is drop their guns like their mother land france does. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yous are a fucking liar, Winnsy. A complete and ignorants fucking liar.

Yous have examples of that, you stolen valor shitshead?
Left wing thugs?

The fucks are you on about, Sonny Jim?

I say let them crash.

But as long as Trumps actions puts others at risk — which is Americans as well as coalition members (fortunately Canada troops left a few years ago), he should stop acting likes a spoiled brats. He’s outs of his element, and yous all know it. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Am I reading your response(as the self appointed representative of the left wing thugs) that you believe the inner debates of national security ought to be disclosed while the effects of those debates and the security threats they are addressing are in play?

I thought so. I hope that line of logic ends well for you. I think it is disgusting.