Fuck the State Attorney Generals. Obamacare upheld. Fuck the Republicans

Chung Tran's Avatar

Trump (a.k.a, Mr. ''Repeal and replace'') stacked the Supreme Court, and got fucked. He considered his 3 appointees to be his lasting legacy. FAIL.

Fuck smirking Ken Paxton.
bambino's Avatar
FUCK everyone!!!!!
I'm mostly ambivalent to Obamacare since Trump zeroed the individual mandate in 2017. That was my biggest complaint about it.

Taxation is theft already. Using the sword of government to coerce people to fund an industry is morally wrong.

Best solution is to eliminate the insurance industry all together. Prices are high because insurance companies and healthcare providers conspire to drive prices up so people without insurance can't afford it.
Nah. Medicare and Medicaid fraud is through the roof. The wave of illegal immigrants seeking free medical along with additional tax trough burdens will devastate the country.
ICU 812's Avatar
My understanding is that the court did not rule on the merits of the ACA. Rather they ruled that the State's Atourneys General did not have the standing necessary to bring their law suit.

So the ACA itself has not been ruled on. . . .yet.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so who has standing to sue ACA?

the standing issue is so dumb. they do this to make certain laws "untouchable".
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Standing is the excuse they use when a correct, albeit unpopular, decision might cause a leftist freakout and burning of cities. (AKA bowing to domestic terrorism)
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

Trump (a.k.a, Mr. ''Repeal and replace'') stacked the Supreme Court, and got fucked. He considered his 3 appointees to be his lasting legacy. FAIL.

Fuck smirking Ken Paxton. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Maybe you and all the libs are wrong about the make up of the court...yeah, you were wrong. All of the bed-wetting, fear mongering libs were wrong...or lying.
Standing is the excuse they use when a correct, albeit unpopular, decision might cause a leftist freakout and burning of cities. (AKA bowing to domestic terrorism) Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Or more accurately when folks bring BS lawsuits which this one was. As was all the stupid ones by Trumpys.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe its because the point they were arguing vanished when Trump got rid of the mandate.

Texas AG Paxton is a piece of shit. Glad he lost again.
HedonistForever's Avatar
"The only reason Trump wants Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court is to overturn the ACA", said literally every Democrat in Congress and the media.

Now, they look like raving lunatics but will any of them admit they were embarrassing, hysterically wrong? No, they will not.

And "this court is now ideologically far right", gets all 3 Liberal Justices to agree in a 9-0 decision upholding religious freedom in a case that says a Catholic organization that places foster children, can say they will not consider same sex couples in the foster process.

This is interesting because it kinda splits the baby as I see it. This is one organization exerting their religious freedom when literally every other organization does what they will not do, allow same sex couples to foster. So the LBGTQ+ gets a 99% result but they aren't happy with it. Fuckem'.

And the Colorado baker is back in the news. After a partial win in the SC when he refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, that same LGBTQ+ group decided they would take another shot at the same baker by asking him to bake a cake to celebrate the "transition" of a transgender person. The baker said, No, it violates my religious beliefs. Thing is, LGBTQ+ people could probably find a half dozen bakers in their area that will bake that cake but they don't care about that, they want to force their ideas onto people who don't share their beliefs.

What will be funny as hell, would be that this case again goes to the SC and they decide 9-0 that an individual baker can assert his religious right to not bake a cake for somebody because it violates his religious beliefs.

I guess all those here arguing that the cruise industry has the right to run their business any way they want, will be happy and tell all their LGBTQ+ friends to "suck it".
GG and HF nailed it.
  • Tiny
  • 06-17-2021, 08:36 PM
And the Colorado baker is back in the news. After a partial win in the SC when he refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, that same LGBTQ+ group decided they would take another shot at the same baker by asking him to bake a cake to celebrate the "transition" of a transgender person. The baker said, No, it violates my religious beliefs. Thing is, LGBTQ+ people could probably find a half dozen bakers in their area that will bake that cake but they don't care about that, they want to force their ideas onto people who don't share their beliefs.

What will be funny as hell, would be that this case again goes to the SC and they decide 9-0 that an individual baker can assert his religious right to not bake a cake for somebody because it violates his religious beliefs.

I guess all those here arguing that the cruise industry has the right to run their business any way they want, will be happy and tell all their LGBTQ+ friends to "suck it". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, I'll be happy to tell them to suck it, whatever it is.
  • Tiny
  • 06-17-2021, 08:44 PM
Best solution is to eliminate the insurance industry all together. Prices are high because insurance companies and healthcare providers conspire to drive prices up so people without insurance can't afford it. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Almost $1.00 out of every $5.00 spent in America is spent on health care. That's nuts. Yes, creating competition would be one way to put some sanity back into the system.
Almost $1.00 out of every $5.00 spent in America is spent on health care. That's nuts. Yes, creating competition would be one way to put some sanity back into the system. Originally Posted by Tiny
I like to use the analogy that the insurance is less like insurance and more like having a costco membership, where members pay the real price, and non-members pay the punishment price in order to coerce people to become members.

Obamacare in it's inception, was basically government mandated memberships - pay for it, or suffer a $6k tax penalty.