What kind of country are we living in ?

George Zimmerman was found not guilty by jury of his peers. It was obvious to all analysts that the state had no case and over charged.

Now Holder is asking the public for "any information" that indicates Zimmerman is a racist !

This is so far out of bounds; it is hard to believe this is the chief law enforcement in our country.

Keep in mind the FBI already investigated Zimmerman's past for similar actions and found nothing !

Obama and Holder are scum.........this is police state tactics !
Obama and Holder are playing a dangerous game; ginning up the hatred.

Zimmerman's brother, a voice of reason, says stop !
Holder & Ofhisdick. Have a plan and persecuting Zimmerman is part of it. This is the end-game.
So they can't legally prosecute Zimmerman (in federal court) but they will use the power of their office to persecute Zimmerman ?

The very definition of a brutal state police tactic !
Obama taking on Stand Your Ground laws is a joke; Obama couldn't get any of his gun control legislation approved.

Stand Your Ground is so widely popular in the 2nd Amendment States that it is gaining favor and gun ownership/carry laws are being liberalized even more.

These tyrants are so far out of touch.