Favorite part of the hobby?

Theatrical person's Avatar
What's the most thrilling or enjoyable part of the hobby for you? Is it the sex, the illicit nature of the hobby, or is it the meeting new people?
For me, I get the greatest thrill from meeting new providers. Will we have chemistry? Will it be as fulfilling as I anticipated? I love the sex, but I get the biggest kick from a first time experience. And I'd also say that pleasing a woman turns me on more than anything. I've had dates where I didn't finish, but still had an exquisite time because I felt like I was able to thoroughly please a woman I never met, and managed to figure out the jigsaw puzzle that is a woman's sexuality :-)

What are y'alls thoughts? Gents, ladies????
Rooter's Avatar
For me it's the thrill of doing someone that's a stranger. I've met girls off several sites, some pay some not, that we have barely spoke just did the dirty. I like the kink of it, paying for it, getting extras for more money, and having girls who have sex with lots of guys and girls. I like women who are in touch with theirself enough to have sex with strangers and be ok with it.
DallasRain's Avatar
i am a sex adrenaline junkie
i luv pleasing people and get off to making a guy laugh AND moan!!!
also and the thrill i get when i am acknowleged as doing a "good job"!!!