Valentine's Day. Just for Women?

EROS725's Avatar
I am having a conversation with the S.O. the other day and the conversation goes to Valentine's Day.
I ask her if she thinks that this day should be just for women or if both sexes should be lavished with gifts and praise.
Ladies? Gents?
Hercules's Avatar
March 14th is for us. When Hallmark figures a way to market it we'll get a 6-pack and tools delivered.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar

We need to figure out a way to train women to appreciate the significance of March 14 the way men have been trained to appreciate February 14. Unfortunately, I've tried to bring it up, and it's been treated like a joke. What needs to happen is that the idea needs to be circulated AMONG WOMEN, rather than promulgated BY MEN TO WOMEN.
EROS725's Avatar
Herc, SL, I could not agree more.
I have met with resistance at the idea of celebrating March 14th as well.
I like your strategy SL. Maybe we can get the women of ECCIE to help us spread the word among their RL female friends and it will eventually get back to the women in our lives.
One can only hope.
I posted about steak and bj day this morning in love.
EROS725's Avatar
Sorry txboi.

It was your post that got me thinking about my talk with the S.O.
Jessica Jade's Avatar
I posted about steak and bj day this morning in love. Originally Posted by txboi2013
You got love now
March 14th is for us. When Hallmark figures a way to market it we'll get a 6-pack and tools delivered. Originally Posted by Hercules
I thought you fucked up St. Patrick's Day (March 17), until I Googled "March 14":

Steak and BJ Day. Awesome. (I didn't spot the mentions of it above by other folks).
Thanks for the heads up on March 14th.