What constitutes an Alert?

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 11-20-2011, 06:48 PM
I personally believe this thread is alert worthy...


So, I questioned in the thread what does constitute an alert, and received a warning from Bubba3452 for "Thread Hijacking".

If you want to discuss what should or should not be in the alert forum, feel free to start a new thread. For now. quit hijacking threads Originally Posted by Bubba3452
So, rather than hijack further... (If that was a hijack, I guess 50% of posts are. ) I've posted here asking for clarification on what is "Alert worthy."

In my opinion, anything that could point at a negative experience for either hobbiest or provider should be posted.Obviously physical threats or outings should be there. I also believe not getting payment or services should be posted, as that is basically theft. (The thread in question falls into this category.) I would think signs of law enforcement belong there, as well as fake pictures / no service / and large upsell. But these are my opinions, and it appears my beliefs are likely wrong.

1. Do you think the thread in question is "Alert Worthy"?

2. What do you think is "Alert Worthy"?

3. What is not "Alert Worthy"?

So, Bubba3452 what is the rule? I could not find a definitive ruling anywhere.
Joe.Dirty's Avatar
1. Yes
2. Anything dangerous
3. Drama / Soap operah
Sleepy363's Avatar
I also got a warning for not agreeing with bubba.

Of course that thread should be an alert by any normal sense. Not sure why many of these threads that are most certainly alert worthy are always moved and deemed otherwise. It makes no sense. It is completely defeating the purpose of the alert section.

Theft should most definitely be considered alert worthy.... and this was theft. I guarantee you that if this exact scenario happened to the moderator who moved the thread, that there would be an alert for it.
LazurusLong's Avatar
First, Explain why you feel it is alert worthy.

Here's why I feel it is.

The provider scammed a client of hundreds of dollars. YES he was a fool to pre-pay for sessions but he was like many on here, he believed her story. Money IS what this site is all about. Providers use it for ads, client use it to DECIDE where to spend their hard earned cash.

Unless there is a way to link this thread to her handle, how would someone else who is looking to see if she has had alerts or a bad history find out about this issue? Isn't part of this site designed for the best information sharing?

My personal opinion is that this thread should be LINKED to her profile. Another issue I know but still a valid point. (I hope I am not hijacking this by adding that comment)

My opinion is that Scammers, whether new or old, need to have threads in the alert forum.
Gonna have to agree with the guys on this one. I, too, consider it an alert.

if someone gets hurt, if someone is robbed, if someone does not pay, if someone is threatening or blackmailing...those are all alerts in my book.

The thing is, even if they move it to co-ed, it's not likely to get less views, in fact it might receive more. So even if it's not put in the right section, atleast it's available to view!
Sleepy363's Avatar
Gonna have to agree with the guys on this one. I, too, consider it an alert.

if someone gets hurt, if someone is robbed, if someone does not pay, if someone is threatening or blackmailing...those are all alerts in my book.

The thing is, even if they move it to co-ed, it's not likely to get less views, in fact it might receive more. So even if it's not put in the right section, atleast it's available to view! Originally Posted by Jamieyoung
That's true.. it's available to view here as well as any other section, but it should be in the correct section and not moved from the correct section to the incorrect one. That's why we have an alert section. Otherwise, might as well just throw it in the provider specials section, because either way it will be seen, but is in the wrong place. Starts to defeat the reason for any sections at all, just put everything in one spot otherwise.

Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

That is the Official purpose of the Alert forum.

The question should not be what is alert worthy. It should be what belongs in the Alert forum. If you actualy read what I posted in that thread, you will see I said "what should be in the alert forum" not if its alert worthy.

Many, many posts get moved to Co-Ed not because they are not worthwhile but because they do not meet the definition of the Alert Forum.

While no one likes to be ripped off, A post about "I got ripped off because I was stupid enough to advance a girl a lot of money" is simply not in the definition of the Alert forum. Same with bait and switch posts, fake pictures on BP, and many others.

Another way to look at it is, Posts in the Alert Forum should be, for the most part, about things you have no control over. Ariving at the door and having a gun pointed at you, THAT is Alert Forum worthy. Choosing to prepay a girl or continuing with a session that is a bait and switch, those are events you have complete control over.

It IS good information and should be posted, just not in the alert forum.

There will always be some posts that may be a judgement call on which forum they should be in. If its felt by staff its in the wrong forum, we simply move it. No one ever has been pointed for this. Its simply a judgement call about the correct forum for a specific post. We do it in other forums as well. Coed threads gettng moved to Sandbox is a very common one. If you think it should be in the Alert Forum, post it there. If we disagree, we will move it to a different forum where it will still get the visability it deserves but not clutter up the Alert Forum.

Jamie's list of things is a good example. Hurt, actualy robbed, blackmail, threatened with physical violance. Those are things that meet the guidelines. A posted alert should be so serious that everyone should feel compailed to read it as soon as they log in. Most of what gets posted there simply does not meet the bar and I know many members who ignore the alert forum because of all the stuff that gets posted there.

We do give a little more leeway to the ladies because access to the ladies only forums is somewhat restricted and not all ladies have access. Otherwise, things like not getting paid would be posted in those forums.

The proper thing to do if you feel ANY post is in the wrong forum is RTM, NOT hijack the thread by arguing about why its there. Your far more likely to get a response and review of the thread that way. We may or may not agree but at least the issue gets looked at promptly.

PS: The 2 of you who received warnings, not points, received them because you were not discussing the topic. It had nothing to do with who you agreed with or not. Its simply a reminder to stay on topic.

I hope that helps. And yes, it has been discussed before, several times.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
OK, I'm going to say it.

Editing other people's posts for your own commentary is flat out wrong.

If you want to respond, make your own post.

And, yeah, this is a threadjack, but this is absolutely the best place for the comment.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
69er, if the thread you referenced fits the category of general fyi material, then someone needs to buy themselves a new dictionary.

The OP's safety might not have been in imminent danger, in fact he handled the situation quite sensibly, but a more volatile person might have reacted differently. What would you do if you happened on the scene just as the girls and pimp were vacating the room? In that scenario how many lives could have been endangered?

Any time one person tries to steal or scam another person out of their hard-earned cash, the possibility exists for a bad ending.

For members with limited time to access the site, I should think the top priorities would be 1) provider ads 2) reviews, and 3) alerts. There might not be enough time to read thru all the fluff in the coed section. This was definitely a bad call, IMO.
London Rayne's Avatar
If rip offs were alerts, they would not all be listed in reviews and Coed. If anyone should be alerted, it should be the dumb azz who pre-paid lol. There are too many bs drama filled alerts, that are nothing more than someone who got pissed off...not dangerous situations. If a girl NCNS, that's not a freaking alert. Write a review about it! If a guy does the same, that's what the powder room is for. There are ways to get the word out without cluttering up the Alert sections with bs. Guys wanting bbfs, forced activities, drugs, pimps on the scene, LE, and weapons would be alert worthy IMO.

I do not consider the OP's example of being ripped off to be alert worthy, but I do think the pimp scene very well is. He could have pulled a freaking gun!
LazurusLong's Avatar

You claim Jaime's list of things is a good one.

In her list includes a client not paying.

How the FUCK is that an alert when a client pre-paying and not getting services in your mind is not?

When a provider doesn't get paid, shouldn't we simply tell her to collect the fees before services are rendered?

But then with cash and dash or when a client pre-pays and the Donice type bitch sits there telling a guy that for only xxx more she'll put on a pair of gloves and give him a covered handjob???

You appear to want it both ways and ONLY in the favor of the providers.

Favoring providers who do not get paid after delivering services is an alert.
Favoring providers who fail to provide services when pre-paid not an alert?

I strongly disagree.

And maybe it is about time the owners of the board look at revising the rules about what constitutes an alert.
The alert section has become worthless if we can't post being ripped off.

No show reviews get moved to coed and not attached to provider reviews.
Alerts get moved because no one got fucking physically hurt and the threads get moved to coed.

Why don't we rename the coed section the Wastebin?

I am very unsatisfied with the current administration of the alert section and the treatment of no show reviews. The current policies now hide the bad facts about some providers making all the cool consolidated features of the new site worthless to the researching hobbyist.

I wish the staff and owners would re-think and re-address those policies which now help camouflage the sub par and rip offs with the rest of the providers.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 11-21-2011, 08:53 AM
If rip offs were alerts, they would not all be listed in reviews and Coed. If anyone should be alerted, it should be the dumb azz who pre-paid lol. There are too many bs drama filled alerts, that are nothing more than someone who got pissed off...not dangerous situations. If a girl NCNS, that's not a freaking alert. Write a review about it! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Actually a really bad example, as a review is not allowed of a NCNS per board rules. NCNS are supposed to go in CoED, a policy which I personally disagree with. I really think they should be linked to a profile, just like reviews are.

If a guy does the same, that's what the powder room is for. There are ways to get the word out without cluttering up the Alert sections with bs. Guys wanting bbfs, forced activities, drugs, pimps on the scene, LE, and weapons would be alert worthy IMO.

I do not consider the OP's example of being ripped off to be alert worthy, but I do think the pimp scene very well is. He could have pulled a freaking gun!
And that is the reason I think the thread is alert worthy. It is a situation we all believe could go badly given slightly different circumstances.

I took a quick look through the top three posts right now in Dallas Alerts, if the thread in question was not alert worthy... Then why are the following:

(Not a question for you London... but certainly a mod should answer.)


No concrete evidence of any threats. Just someone trying to get around screening. I would place this in the same category as the thread in question.


Nobody's safety is threatened here. A lady is simply posting about a guy threatening a bad review, if he doesn't get a makeup session. I think this is alert worthy, but given the guidelines given by bubba of something that "endangers the safety", should be in CoED, but a better location would be the ladies area.


Here we have a provider given the runaround by a client wary of the all too common bait & switch. She decides he is potentially dangerous because of this, and the fact he doesn't have the agreed upon cash. Had he had the cash, we never would have heard about this. A safety danger, I believe not. Alert worthy, I believe so, but not based on the guideline of something that "endangers the safety". Per the guidelines should be in the ladies area.

So... if the modes can't see why we are confused about what should go there, I think they need to look a little closer. I was going to go further, and give more examples, but thought it would just get boring, as examples where there was truly a safety threat are so few, yet there are plenty of threads there.

Color me confused.
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh wow, I actually did not know that about the NCNS. I was under the impression you guys COULD put that in the review section. Now I am a bit baffled lol. I agree that they should be attached to the girl's review profile so you guys have a record of her patterns. Very odd indeed.

The threats of a bad review for a make up session is not an alert though...it's drama! No one knows who is telling the truth on this one and women pull that crap all the time...so do guys. That is a matter to be take up privately with the mods...the entire board does not need to know about it. Same goes for women crying about a bad review..get over it or tell a mod to find out if the guy saw you or not by asking him details like what hotel you stayed in.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 11-21-2011, 09:03 AM
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

That is the Official purpose of the Alert forum.

The question should not be what is alert worthy. It should be what belongs in the Alert forum. If you actualy read what I posted in that thread, you will see I said "what should be in the alert forum" not if its alert worthy.


I hope that helps. And yes, it has been discussed before, several times. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Wow, I had it all wrong. "Alert Worthy" is so unclear compared to "what should be in the alert forum." If "Alert Worthy" threads are not what should be in the Alert Forum... we have a massive problem. I didn't quote you, so I don't get the paragraphs about the difference.

As far as your explanation helping, please see my posting above this one. I think the rules are being shoddily applied, leading to confusion by most of us.