Provider Alliances Continued

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Private content removed. Content from limited access areas is NOT to be posted in the open. -Matador
I have many provider friends and they will all agree that I have a certain knack for making money and making them money too. I am 27 years old and I WILL NOT be a provider when I am 47. That's a guarantee. Us girls need to get creative and FIND OTHER WAYS TO MAKE MONEY. For example, a girl I know is looking to start her own fashion boutique and only needs $5000 to get it started. I personally will help her and own a certain percentage of her boutique.

We all know it is not always busy here. We need other endeavors to fall back on. I do well as a provider, but not well enough. I am willing to contribute my mind and resources. I had hoped others were too.

I am not an "evil bitch". I do have a bit of a short temper but so what? Those that don't piss me off know that I am very nice and helpful to my fellow providers. Say what you want to about my ladies. For me, being a provider is means to an end and this is too big of a world for me to concern myself with what you think of me.

I will be traveling all summer. This weekend Boston, next week LA, Chicago in May and DC and NYC in June. Any ladies that want to join me are more than welcome. I booked my trip to Chicago for less than $600 and I will charge $400/hr there and get it all day. DC and NYC where much more expensive, but will be well worth it.

Expanding our horizons will help us young ladies not to end up "old hags" one day.
Invisible1's Avatar
All righty then..... Please keep us posted on your progress. What is your twitter name so we can all follow you over the next 20 years.
Lana Warren's Avatar
<------Old Hag and pretty damn proud of it.

With age comes wisdom......damn, I'm smart.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-10-2012, 11:30 AM
Private content removed. -Matador
Maybe I need to go paraphrase my responses to you... here.. and generalize the conversation to catch up the masses.....
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-10-2012, 11:39 AM
To you classy ladies, please do not get caught up in this drama!!
Sometimes some things are best left unsaid..
LovingKayla's Avatar
Well gosh fawn you just shut me down so all I can do is pout. I could have eaten this thread alive, but I won't just for you baby. I will say though, between you and me, This is some funny shit right here.

MUST. HOLD. BACK... Not going. to type... restrain... restrain... chomping bit... ok... phew held on this time. Whoooo hoooo!!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-10-2012, 11:48 AM
I love you Kayla, and I am so happy we have some very strong and opinionated women on this board, but we should never use it to hurt anyone intentionally like some do! So, thank you.... I owe you a big ole kiss.....
Miss Morgan, I don't know much about your provider friends. I do know you have a knack for putting yourself on my radar for all the wrong reasons.

Currently there are close to 130,000 accounts on ECCIE. There is likely to be a percentage of unused/dummy accounts, but the membership numbers is getting high. The more we grow, the more tolerance there needs to be in the forums, and we already have a guideline for that:

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
Now for some reason you seem to have this false belief that the rules don't apply to you. You are going out of your way to insult women who are not part of your inner circle, and that shitty attitude will not fly with this moderator.

None of the women are here to meet your standards of beauty. They are here because there are guys on the site who want someone exactly like them, everyone else's opinions be damned.

Save the snide remarks and the crappy attitude of your posts for gossip time with your provider friends, and start respecting the other members here. You are an adult, and should be able to follow this directions. If you need a vacation to help you with a change on attitude, that option is available also. I only hope we don't have to resort to that, but you will comply with our guidelines.

I will leave this thread open, and the topic is provider alliances. I don't want to read comments that hijack the thread.
Does this count as a hijack to this thread??

givin f.jpg

I guess they like cunty women on the east coast.

sorry matador
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Listen I'm not talking about beauty and I am not being silly or dramatic. I started a positive thread about us getting together on some things and you insulted me and tried to hijack my thread. You basically told me you had a crew and I wasn't in it. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I did about my bf but forget about it already. people post dumb shit on here all the time.

My point got lost because of your insults. I don't discriminate at all on who call friend.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Nicely put, Matador...

And, ladies, let's post with class and dignity if you want to discuss "provider alliances" or just let this thread die of natural causes.


!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Also I have a full rich life and can't respond to everything you guys say. I actually prefer ladies pm me on the matter. I know a lot of you don't want to be involved. I'm just speaking my mind.
I think a true provider alliance is that you have each others back no matter her age, race, or size.

I have several i cannot stand.. would never use my valuable time to go above and beyond to help them out... but if i know they are about to encounter with something that could pose risk to their life or safety... my class and ability to set personal feelings aside will come forth.

Although there are many different reasons for why the ladies do this.. it comes down to the fact that we are all taking risks.. How horrible would it be to deny valuable safety information to someone you dislike due to say ...age... and then read the next day how they were found murdered...

People need to learn to set business and personal aside when safety is concerned. Think deeper.. (giggle, i said deeper) MOST women on here are moms. So when one of these providers are put at risk... those children are also at risk.
Those who are real young and not wise to the world as most experienced mature ladies... need guidance... they are more than likely not aware of many dangers that lurk out there.

Fight, bicker, hate.... but come together as a family when safety is concerned!

I think THAT is a true alliance...
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-10-2012, 12:23 PM
I think a true provider alliance is that you have each others back no matter her age, race, or size.
I have several i cannot stand.. would never use my valuable time to go above and beyond to help them out... but if i know they are about to encounter with something that could pose risk to their life or safety... my class and ability to set personal feelings aside will come forth.

Although there are many different reasons for why the ladies do this.. it comes down to the fact that we are all taking risks.. How horrible would it be to deny valuable safety information to someone you dislike due to say ...age... and then read the next day how they were found murdered...

People need to learn to set business and personal aside when safety is concerned. Think deeper.. (giggle, i said deeper) MOST women on here are moms. So when one of these providers are put at risk... those children are also at risk.
Those who are real young and not wise to the world as most experienced mature ladies... need guidance... they are more than likely not aware of many dangers that lurk out there.

Fight, bicker, hate.... but come together as a family when safety is concerned!

I think THAT is a true alliance... Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I think I love you....