Retirement Planning - My Fling Farewell

Good news, bad news.

I have an excellent reason to retire (or at least go so much into low volume I can reclaim virginity).

My youngest is graduating after her Junior year of HS and has been accepted to a private university. Nothing makes me more proud.

My hobby money is to be diverted to slow the rate at which she goes into debt.

I have a few engagements scheduled between now and the 14th of April that I plan to keep and one Aunt Flo farewell in 2-3 months; but, my fun will be done approximately six months after discovering this wonderful world.

Thank you again to the community for letting me know what I've been missing and thank you ladies for sharing with me so that I won't fade out wondering what I had denied my favorite little friend.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So I take you will become another guest####### on my contact list. You will be missed. Just as the other is.
  • Laker
  • 03-08-2010, 07:38 AM
Sir Bob,

Am sad but happy!

Sad as I enjoy perusing the portals of your mind made available while reading the "Adventures of Bob" which you share after having been corked inside a bottle for eons! I will miss such literative adventures!

Sad for the ladies you may not visit to share said adventures with.

Sad for your hobby money seeking the level of mine!

But Happy for :

The fact that you have shared such adventures with us!

You have introduced a unique writing style which has encouraged "yours truly" to think deeper of my own adventures and try to relive them by more in depth recollections of them. It has also allowed me to relax while in the company of a lovely lady and allow the session with her just to flow, so I'll remember it better.

Happy for the good times you have obviously shared with these ladies.

Happy for you having been a very good "board buddy" to me.

Thank you for being a part of this community!!

And most of all, I am extremely happy for the success of your daughter and the hope of an great future for her and your family!
Retirement might not be the appropriate word. I hope the providers are ready four years from now.
edr1322's Avatar
Bob good luck always enjoyed reading your reviews. And congrats to your daughter. ED
offshoredrilling's Avatar
jack I think and hope you are right.
Bob - Congratulations on your daughter's academic success. The good news is...... based upon the number of reviews, you should be qualified for 5.3 years of premium access. Hopefully, she will have finished her four year degree and Grad School is on her. Till then, take care & play safe!

Congrats to your daughter. Totally understood, wish you both the best and thank you for all you have contributed to us and the forums that made this a much better place. Just a thought for you to continue. They offer student loans that can be used for the hobby. LOL Good luck.

youngatheart's Avatar

Congrats to your daughter. Totally understood, wish you both the best and thank you for all you have contributed to us and the forums that made this a much better place. Just a thought for you to continue. They offer student loans that can be used for the hobby. LOL Good luck.

M Originally Posted by montana1958
Only problem is he's waaaaay past being a student of the hobby. LOL
sunfish's Avatar

Thanks for all the info!
nascar88888's Avatar
Bob i am in my 60's all kids out of collage and now grand kids :-)

so there is life after kids and FUN
  • jbonz
  • 03-08-2010, 11:12 PM
Best of luck in your semi-retirement Bob. You will be missed. I'm sorry I never got to meet you in person but that day may still come. You are always welcome to hang around and post/discuss even if you don't get to hobby as much as you once did.

FlyboyNY's Avatar
Good Luck Bob and congrats. Every dollar you invest in your kids will return great dividends. I am just on the other side now and almost ready to come back. Had to take a short hiatus but the last daughter just got married and we are empty nesters. Wedding is paid for and just a little left on the college loans. So there is light at the end of the tunnel and believe me I don't regret for a moment what it has cost me to raise a Son and a Daughter and see them doing well. But I will be back in April ladies and already have my short list ready.
Again, thanks Bob for all your input.
brutusbluto's Avatar
NB, your input and attention to detail on our forum has been both very enlightening and very much appreciated. I still think that you should write a book about something that excites you outside of the hobby. I truly feel you have a gift of being able to write. Best of luck and I look forward to reading your posts in the future.
NB, your input and attention to detail on our forum has been both very enlightening and very much appreciated. I still think that you should write a book about something that excites you outside of the hobby. I truly feel you have a gift of being able to write. Best of luck and I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Originally Posted by jymie
Thanks all. And thank you jymie but I don't think I could find anything that excites me the way this hobby has. (-:

In full disclosure, as I realized I needed to back away from active hobbying, I asked Eli to help me check into becoming a moderator. I figured if I didn't have a vested interest in chasing tail, I could be pretty even handed.

Well, my timing sucked. I didn't know anything about the mod turnover.

I'm hoping to have drinks with Eli later this week and plan to ask him his opinion.