Manly reason to mask up--

FireKitten's Avatar
you are model ???
It is too bad that masks are useless against viruses, including Coronavirus. Masks are used as protection for bacterium.
It is too bad that masks are useless against viruses, including Coronavirus. Masks are used as protection for bacterium. Originally Posted by orallvr69
Your statement is misleading. Shoot a single virus at a mask, and yes, it can pass though as it is smaller than openings in the mask, but attach that virus to a carrier, such as mucus or spittle and the mask is effective, both in keeping it contained with the sender and/or protecting the receptor.

Don't believe everything Donald tells you cause he's often full of crap.
It is too bad that masks are useless against viruses, including Coronavirus. Masks are used as protection for bacterium. Originally Posted by orallvr69
Bro your profile says Florida, you should clearly wear a mask, it cant hurt you there especially lol
burkalini's Avatar
Your statement is misleading. Shoot a single virus at a mask, and yes, it can pass though as it is smaller than openings in the mask, but attach that virus to a carrier, such as mucus or spittle and the mask is effective, both in keeping it contained with the sender and/or protecting the receptor.

Don't believe everything Donald tells you cause he's often full of crap. Originally Posted by NoOneUKnow
Another msm believer. A six foot distance makes the mask moot. You know like all the protestors maintained
Let me try to explain (I have training in Infection Control). There are two kinds of masks: Respirator (N95 mask used in ICU or other infectious environment) and face mask ( surgical masks as seen on TV or home-made casks, bandanas, etc.). Facial masks do NOT PROTECT YOU (air is drawn in from sides not thru mask), but they do protect OTHERS ( trap particles, droplets, snot, etc.). Respirator masks protect YOU from others since they have a tight facial seal and air must be drawn trough a filter before inhaling. The problem with respirator masks is that they are uncomfortable (think of breathing through a straw) and not in plenty supply. DO NOT want to get into politics or possibility of aerosol transmission (and if you don't know scientific difference between droplet and aerosol transmission please don't weigh in). Bottom line: If EVERYONE in immediate surrounding wears a facial mask, then everyone is relatively safe. If someone infectious in immediate surroundings is NOT wearing a mask, then even those masked are not safe, subject to exposure time, susceptibility and distance limitations that may not be fully known. I AM NOT TAKING A PRO OR CON STAND HERE, just trying to educate on mask usage.
Well said, reddog.
The main reason for wearing masking is so that stores and business can reopen and the economy can improve. The mask may not do anything at all but it gives a sense of hope which improves the market environment. Not wearing a mask is making a political statement that’s not helping anyone.
"Bro your profile says Florida, you should clearly wear a mask, it cant hurt you there especially lol"

Funny you should say that. Maybe you should read this:

It is doubtful that FL has any higher percentage of Coronavirus but we will never know. EVERYTHING you hear about Florida and Coronavirus you should just ignore at this point. We no longer have any idea whatsoever what the numbers are because of these criminals. They need to be located, tried and convicted for medical malpractice.

Do you know what you get when you mix politics and medicine?

"Let me try to explain (I have training in Infection Control). "

Yo, Reddog. Thanks for that. I appreciate what you have said. I am not opposed to wearing masks sometimes but I can't won't wear one (especially the same one) 24/7. That is just dumb.

Some people are getting sick from wearing the same mask sometimes and when they aren't wearing it, it is sitting somewhere it can be contaminated.

Some people have gotten legionella from wearing the same mask

Some people have suffered from hypoxia from wearing a mask for a long period of time.

No blood supply to the brain: This occurs when the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood are completely obstructed. This is extremely rare, and usually fatal.
Low blood supply to the brain: Low blood supply can occur when even a single blood vessel is blocked or partially obstructed, as often happens with a stroke. This form of hypoxia frequently affects a specific region of the brain, interfering with functions governed by that region.
No blood oxygen: When the body can’t take in oxygen, or the heart or lungs can’t properly provide the blood with oxygen, the brain -- and all other organs -- suffer from hypoxia. This is quickly fatal.
Low blood oxygen: When the body can’t properly oxygenate blood, often due to illnesses such as emphysema or a crisis such as a heart attack, the brain gets less oxygen than it needs to properly function.

I, too, have had infectious disease training. It was a long time ago but I have practiced it in my personal life regardless including being a practical/courteous human and covering my mouth when I cough or sneeze, don't pick my nose or wipe snot somewhere where it can transmit something to others. I have also read white papers about masks and how they were never intended for long term use. I am in the minority there. Laws which say DO THIS OR ELSE can be harmful if you don't take into consideration that some people may have health conditions and masks could be detrimental to their health but even a completely healthy person needs to breath more than a mask will allow.

People need to be sensible and don't badger/bully people because you want to feel righteous. Some people will punch back or worse, like the 77 year old in Michigan who was stabbed over it. It just isn't worth it. Just leave people alone! You probably have no idea what is going on in that person's life.
Ripmany's Avatar
I get woodey when don't want it will coveid help.
Once again, I will not be baited into discussing the politics of mask wear, but will address unsubstantiated myths about their use and science. An excellant article geared to the lay person by The American Lung Association can be found here: Bottom line, only evidence of detrimental effect is associated with prolonged wear of N95 mask (not currently recommended for general public) by some with preexisting lung conditions. Even then, it refers to increases CO2 levels in the blood, not hypoxia which is lack of oxygen. Increased CO2 levels may be dangerous to some (think COPD), which is why the article suggests consulting your physician if you might be at risk. At least in my locality, such persons are exempt from the mask order with a physician attestation. I urge everyone to research on their own, but consider the source of information and put the most trust in respected medical sources, Mayo Clinic, peer reviewed medical journals, established medical associations, etc., as opposed to the plethora of unsubstantiated opinion on the web.