Please knock some sense into me

I am a smart but "stupid" person.

I have terminal cancer and I was supposed to be dead by now. Thankfully I am still here and have few more months left.

Met a stripper six months ago and been seeing her a few times a week since then. She is gorgeous and been nice to me most of the times.

We hang out inside and outside the club. I spend about 3k a month on her not including dinners and shopping sprees.

I can get about anything but penetration sex from her but only came once in six months.

She is not really into guys and has told me she would never have sex with me.

When we had a break a while ago I made sure I spent thousands in front of her at the club on her friends and coworkers and basically fucked anyone there till she got wasted drunk and came crawling back crying which got us back together again.

Last night I got tired of the BS and was upset that she had r told me that I was not allowed to touch or kiss her in front of my friends but still had to pay her for my time with her.

It got to a point that she basically wanted to sit and talk to me and have me pay $300-$500 for hanging out.

I finally cut it off tonight and still feel that I was wrong.

Help me not crawl back to this bull. Even an AMP girl felt bad enough for me to tell me that I could go see her any time even if I did not have money. I am a nice person and do not want to be cruel but I don't like to be a door mat either.
Zara Sharif's Avatar
Wow that's really taking advantage of someone. I used to dance from time to time but I never met anyone willing to help me like that geez she was lucky don't feel bad at al your entitled to feel how you want. Take it easy babe don't be so hard on yourself
When you find someone else that treats you how you deserve and appreciates you for what you bring to the table then and only then will you truly see

But then again some people like torturing themselves. She’s manipulating you however has clearly been honest so now it’s your job to decide what you will continue to allow.

Find a new club with new girls that aren’t her or her friends...hell tell the new girl or girls your story now and I bet one will tell you they will fuck your brains out for 3k a month. I know I sure would
When you find someone else that treats you how you deserve and appreciates you for what you bring to the table then and only then will you truly see

But then again some people like torturing themselves. She’s manipulating you however has clearly been honest so now it’s your job to decide what you will continue to allow.

Find a new club with new girls that aren’t her or her friends...hell tell the new girl or girls your story now and I bet one will tell you they will fuck your brains out for 3k a month. I know I sure would Originally Posted by Analeese
Thanks sweetie. I know you could have been someone I wanted to be for a while but unfortunately you stood me up when I came to you.
Thanks sweetie. I know you could have been someone I wanted to be for a while but unfortunately you stood me up when I came to you. Originally Posted by xxpokeracexx
Sorry about that. Definitely my loss. Hope that you find another lucky girl
  • ap2
  • 10-09-2018, 02:19 AM
Spend your money on something worth while and not on strippers. Spend it on travel, give to charity or help others with cancer. Don't spend your days with unscrupulous people they just waste you away faster and they really don't care. Better yourself during this difficult time.
jimmy jump's Avatar
3k no real sex.
Dump that shit, you can do way better for a lot less.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
She sounds like a bitch!

Stay out of the strip club or take me with you and I’ll set them straight lol

All jokes aside I do hope you find a good lady to spend some time with
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am a smart but "stupid" person.

I have terminal cancer. Originally Posted by xxpokeracexx
Sorry to read that. Doctors have been wrong before about that. I hope you have seen other doctors for other opinions. Anyway, don't waste your time with a BSC drunk stripper if your time is limited. That sounds harsh, but just being truthful with you...go sky diving or some shit.

Don't waste your time starting a thread on a whore board about a stripper who is playing you. That's her job. She's just going next level with you because you let her do so. You're just a wallet to her. The sooner you figure that out the better off you will be. Spend your money elsewhere my friend.

Best of luck with your health and I hope you have a wrong diagnosis...
Since you're asking for suggestions, I'll add my voice to the "stay away from her and the club" chorus.

Main suggestion: You do it your way, whatever that means. If you want affection and fun from a provider or a group of providers, I suggest that you start a thread in the Men's Lounge and ask who are the kindest, sweetest, and most trustworthy providers. Meet some of them and create some fun experiences.

You also may want to connect with a group like in Fort Worth (If you're not from Tarrant County, you could inquire about a likeminded organization in Dallas county). They really do provide superb services to folks with cancer.

Of course, life is terminal. Sometimes cancer takes a life, sometimes an accident. Live it how you please, with as much grace as you can muster for yourself and others.
Thank you all for the great suggestions. I am sure that we are done with each other now. The though part is not going back to the same club since I know so many people there but that is how things get ugly so off to new adventures.

I have had great times with the providers here before the shutdown and that is why I went to amps and strip clubs. Plus a little easier to make meeting arrangements in last minute.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Spend your money on something worth while and not on strippers. Spend it on travel, give to charity or help others with cancer. Don't spend your days with unscrupulous people they just waste you away faster and they really don't care. Better yourself during this difficult time. Originally Posted by ap2
this.. I can't imagine having months to live, and having even slight concern about a Bitch Stripper. if I had a guaranteed 30 more years, I would kick that one to the curb. value yourself, and help others with real needs. get some clarity about what is important. do you want your remaining months to be spent agonizing over a Greedy Lesbian Stripper??
this.. I can't imagine having months to live, and having even slight concern about a Bitch Stripper. if I had a guaranteed 30 more years, I would kick that one to the curb. value yourself, and help others with real needs. get some clarity about what is important. do you want your remaining months to be spent agonizing over a Greedy Lesbian Stripper?? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Well said. I was agonizing over her. Thankfully her true colors finally came out and time to get over it quickly and start living better.
Dude, for that kind of money there's no shortage of good women on here who would do just about anything you need to make you happy. Don't waste your time on that gal or even bother going back to that club - life is too short to get ripped off, especially when doctors have told you that you have an expiration date.

AP2 makes a good point, but if I were in your shoes, I think I'd want to have fun. Have fun with whatever time you have left. Live out those unfulfilled fantasies - threesome, orgies, whatever. Don't waste your remaining time on someone who doesn't want to make you happy.
Don't waste what time you have left on anyone that doesn't appreciate you and make you feel good about yourself. Hell, no one should. I'm sorry she treated you poorly. On to better days sir! Best of luck to you!