Trumps approval rises while the Democrat Convention tanks!

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, Trumps approval numbers are rising while the Dems Convention ratings tank. Why is that? Their whole convention is about trashing Trump and how bad the country is. Meanwhile, Trump is criss crossing the country taking his message directly to the people. Can you imagine how confused Creepy Joe would be if he tried it?

here-to-fore its been a given that a convention gives the conventioning party a polling boost

oh to what should we chalk up this anomaly to?

dim racism?

dim radicalism?

dim anti-Americanism?

dim violence?

dim lies on display?

dim speakers exposed for what they are?

sunlight is a very good disinfectant
matchingmole's Avatar
Another Rasmussen poll? lol The favorite Trumptard poll
bambino's Avatar
Another Rasmussen poll? lol The favorite Trumptard poll Originally Posted by matchingmole
They are one of the two polls who got it right in 2016. But 5/38 has Trumps approval rating up two points. So do other polls. Run along moleface.
Little Monster's Avatar
That's fine. Biden still has a significant lead over Trump, that's all that matters.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DNC gobbledygook No real order
1) muslin and pledge changed took out under god
2) Odumboo saying no one should get rich from public office WHAT ( him 12m houses Clintons Bidens )
3) what to re educate people in "There ways"
4) take guns
5) give more C130s full of money to the same people the want you dead
6) Joeys after 50 years in gov now can fix all 8 year under lib potus

Anybody paying attention wow
sportfisherman's Avatar
Trump has a Ceiling on his support.

He did not win the majority vote in 2016.

He barely picked off a couple of swing states last time.That was against Hillary,a very un-likable candidate.Plus then he himself had no political baggage which he does have now.Plus he had Russian help then.I'm not saying he colluded with them.

He can't get over the top.He can't and won't win majority again.

His only chance is to have DOJ come out with the shit they are going to from Breneman or whatever his name is.

And to rig or try to steal the election.Which he is doing.

He is re-tweeting things that have already been deemed Russian propaganda meddling by our own intel agencies.

He is also spreading what has been proclaimed false by our own election officials about mail-in voting.

This shit by Trump is unprecedented in our country.I feel like I'm in some shit hole country in South America with some 2-bit dictator in charge.It's ridiculous.

Some think he has "hidden support".

They are so far hidden they must be where Jimmy Hoffa is.Go find Hoffa and look around for some hidden Trump support when you get there.
bambino's Avatar
Trump has a Ceiling on his support.

He did not win the majority vote in 2016.

He barely picked off a couple of swing states last time.That was against Hillary,a very un-likable candidate.Plus then he himself had no political baggage which he does have now.Plus he had Russian help then.I'm not saying he colluded with them.

He can't get over the top.He can't and won't win majority again.

His only chance is to have DOJ come out with the shit they are going to from Breneman or whatever his name is.

And to rig or try to steal the election.Which he is doing.

He is re-tweeting things that have already been deemed Russian propaganda meddling by our own intel agencies.

He is also spreading what has been proclaimed false by our own election officials about mail-in voting.

This shit by Trump is unprecedented in our country.I feel like I'm in some shit hole country in South America with some 2-bit dictator in charge.It's ridiculous.

Some think he has "hidden support".

They are so far hidden they must be where Jimmy Hoffa is.Go find Hoffa and look around for some hidden Trump support when you get there. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
He won.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 01:09 PM
Your alternative to the 'conspiracy theft of election nonsense" you presented - SF - is a Marxist puppet POTUS - biden - until 25th Amendment is used to remove him and harris takes over as America's first Marxist POYUS - and see what that will result in for America.
jimmy Hoffa died in 1975 - unless you believe he is still alive and active in the DPST party - perhaps masquerading as Joe Biden!
That's fine. Biden still has a significant lead over Trump, that's all that matters. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Trump crisscrosses the country, fearlessly leading during a pandemic.

He takes questions from a very hostile press often.

Biden hides in the basement and doesn't take questions. He may currently have a lead but he is risking his advantages by staying inside.
sportfisherman's Avatar
We all know he won,squeaked by with electoral college,but it won't happen this time.Be prepared for that.This is not 2016.

Biden will win.House will be retained by Dems.And Senate will probably go democratic.Biden will have 2 years of majority in both branches of the legislature.

But even with that there will be Senate democrats who are more down the middle and they will not pass thru the legislative means a bunch of radical leftist shit.

For one Biden won't put forth too strong in that direction.And he also won't do too much executive order stuff.

They will pick one or two things to pass but there will be no leftist horde,Marxist,Totalitarian shit.

Biden's job is to displace Trump and be a place-holder.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, Trumps approval numbers are rising while the Dems Convention ratings tank. Why is that? Their whole convention is about trashing Trump and how bad the country is. Meanwhile, Trump is criss crossing the country taking his message directly to the people. Can you imagine how confused Creepy Joe would be if he tried it?

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
ratings are down at least 50% from previous years. guess having a cavalcade of racist woke cunts like Cardi B wasn't such a good idea after all.

of course as Tucker pointed out last night the real convention is happening out of view so they can discuss all their woke bullshit and socialist agenda. can't have that on national TV!

That's fine. Biden still has a significant lead over Trump, that's all that matters. Originally Posted by Little Monster
if yous say so
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump has a Ceiling on his support. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
What's you point? Bitten's "support ceiling" is at about 28%!

The rest of his stat consists of "antiTrumpers" ....

...who apparently would rather stick Bitten and Kumola in there than have a real President.

No problem, though, they also think burning down government buildings is "protected speech"!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden's job is to displace Trump and be a place-holder. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Are you his speech writer?

BTW: That's what zeros are ..... "Place-Holders"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Another Rasmussen poll? lol The favorite Trumptard poll Originally Posted by matchingmole
He doesn't like the numbers! What a CRYING shame!

Just blame it on the Russians.