War on Women Continues

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This just in:

QUOTE: The White House’s Flickr account recently released a photo of President Barack Obama and his top advisers. The complete absence of women in the image is another reminder that females are underrepresented in Obama’s staff.

Additionally, the president still pays his female employees significantly less than their male counterparts.

The Obama White House in 2011 paid female staffers 18 percent less than their male colleagues:

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

The Obama reelection campaign, though better, was also a bastion of inequality:

The Obama reelection campaign’s female employees earned an average of $6,872 during that period, compared with an average of $7,235 for male employees. That is a difference of $363, or 5.3 percent.

The annualized pay difference is more than $2,100 per year.

It is unclear when Obama and the Democrats will call off the war on women. END QUOTE

When will the administration's war on women stop?

See the picture and the article here:


Or just call me a liar. Either is fine with me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 02:25 PM
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Does that prove that women aren't paid less than men in the White House, CBJ7? Does that prove that women are included in important meetings in the White House, CBJ7?

Didn't think so.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 02:52 PM
Does that prove that women aren't paid less than men in the White House, CBJ7? Does that prove that women are included in important meetings in the White House, CBJ7?

Didn't think so. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


In the broadest sense, the Romney campaign is on solid ground when it says that "women in Barack Obama's White House are earning less than men." But the closer you look at the data, the less striking this conclusion becomes.

First, the Obama White House has more equitable pay rates than the economy as a whole. And second, when you look at employees who have the same titles, only a small fraction of women are out-earned by men, a difference that might be explainable by differences in experience and longevity rather than discrimination. The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, so we rate it Half True.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 04:18 PM

Didn't think so.[/QUOTE]


I knew so ..
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ted Kennedy STILL remains the only one with a confirmed kill...on the war on women.

"....and da ...when I returned....Mary Jo and the car,,,,were gone."
Does that prove that women aren't paid less than men in the White House, CBJ7? Does that prove that women are included in important meetings in the White House, CBJ7?

Didn't think so. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

How dare you post up a photo that refutes this bullshit, CBJ7? That photo is clearly false and you ought to be ashamed for photoshopping the official White House photo.

In regards to pay scale. COG, is it your contention that President Obama decides how much his cabinet members and their assistants are paid? Or is that a set payment scale per federal regulations that President Obama doesn't decide?

You're a liar and a person who misrepresents facts bud. Sorry, but it's true.
Ted Kennedy STILL remains the only one with a confirmed kill...on the war on women.

"....and da ...when I returned....Mary Jo and the car,,,,were gone." Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Wait. We can't bring up Bush....but, you can bring up this ancient history from 45 years ago? In relation to somebody that is dead? Well...sure.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2013, 08:12 PM

You're a liar and a person who misrepresents facts bud. Sorry, but it's true. Originally Posted by timpage
COG is the Distorter in Chief.

The man is delusional.
You can not have an adult conversation with him.
That is why he mostly gets homo and fart jokes from me. That is all he deserves. Pull my finger COG!
Aha, The "Hero of Chapaquiddick", he saved the life of a US Senator.

What does it say about a Political Party when one of their great "Heros" was a fat, slobberring, woman killing drunk.

The "Lion of the Senate". Good Lord, is there no shame?
Aha, The "Hero of Chapaquiddick", he saved the life of a US Senator.

What does it say about a Political Party when one of their great "Heros" was a fat, slobberring, woman killing drunk.

The "Lion of the Senate". Good Lord, is there no shame? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well. I dunno. Let's see how far back we can dig. What does it say when the Republican President of the United States was forced to resign the highest office in the United States because he was a lying piece of shit and was surrounded by lying pieces of republican shit? Plenty of that kinda of lying pieces of shit to go around.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So I gather by your answers, you all are ok with the way Obama treats women in his administration as inferiors. Just checking. Thanks for your input.
I heard Sanda Fluke got 237 free morning after pills in the last 7 months. Give me a minute I'm looking for the link.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 10:23 PM
So I gather by your answers, you all are ok with the way Obama treats women in his administration as inferiors. Just checking. Thanks for your input. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

if you can prove Obama or any other president sets, and approves pay scales for government workers, I'll agree with you just to make you feel better.

prove your comment
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You think the President has no say in what his assistants make. Fine. Live with that ignorance.