A lot of selective memory going on the left

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, this is another thread about gun control and the necessity of owning a gun. I start with link to a story about a single mother with two children. Her home was broken into by a man with a crowbar. She and the kids hid but apparently breaking in wasn't enough for this joker. He looked for and found her in the crawl space. When he opened the door she opened up on him with a six-shot, .38 caliber revolver. Five shots connected but he didn't die. Fortunately he was surrendering thinking she was going to continue shooting. Suppose he was angry or on drugs? Suppose he wanted to continue the fight? Ten shots, 14 shots, or 20 shots would have been better.

Back to the lead in of this thread. Remember Hurricane Sandy? How about Hurricane Katrina? Remember Hurricane Andrew? Civil authority broke down and the public was on it's own. How quickly we forget about the roaming gangs looking to loot on the Jersey shore. It was in the papers.

And who can forget Katrina. It was on all the networks. So I won't go there.

Florida, Homestead, Hurrican Andrew

Of course there are plain old home invasions and gang attacks to deal with.

So while you try to gin up support for gun control by shouting out about Newtown, which was an atrocity, think about all the other examples of the use and need for a semi-automatic weapon, and more capacity in the magazine.
If she had a shot gun would have only taken one shot end of story.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-05-2013, 12:34 PM
speaking of memory loss, its not exclusive to the left ... seems like theres a void in the minds of rightwingers about Romney passing a ban on assault rifles in 2004 right after the legislation from 1994 sunset .. and now the right (as in House of represenatives) is willing to talk about standing on the 2nd amendment

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not selective memory (but selective comprehension on your part) but is it really that important that one very small state, with a democratic legislature that outnumbered the GOP by 4 to 1, did?. Massachusetts is an aberration and means nothing outside of the stateline.
As you are a aberration and mean nothing outside your basement.