Investors Needed for new CRAIGSLIST style posting board

Based on the recent demand in the States for an alternative to the now defunct "Erotic Services" category on Craigslist, we have created that alternative by creating a new craigslist style posting board.

In 2009, Craigslist had an annual revenue of $36 million from its Erotic Services section. Looking for investors to help purchase servers and equipment for our new venture which is likely to exceed Craigslist revenue due to pent-up demand. Investment amount is minimal and return on investment is high.

Please include Skype / MSN name in PM for immediate response.
Local LE and the FBI might be your first takers.
PLEASE ONLY POST SERIOUS REPLIES or PM. Needless to say, all necessary precautions have been taken (hint: servers and personnel will not be located in North America). All investors are guaranteed anonymity and encrypted communications.
Can you tell me more?
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Of course you have a prospectus.
The servers won't be located in Nigeria, now, would they?
Yes, we have a business plan and timetable available to serious investors. The servers will not be located in Nigeria.

Who's the F'cktard here, you or me?
you are leaving out a few very important details.

craigslist offered FREE ads to escorts for many many years before they started charging for ads.

the reason they were able to offer FREE ads was because the total investment required for a craigslist style posting board is around $100 per year.

having your server offshore, doesn't require any more investment and it won't provide you with any more protection unless you are offering the ads for free... once you accept money for the ads, you become responsible for them. this is the reason, when craigslist was pressured to charge for the ads, they were smart and donated all the revenue to charity but the charities started sending the money back and craigslist had no choice but to keep it.

that $36 million profit was from 1 year and only 1 year, they were presssured into taking it, and they chose to give it up.

they voluntarily shut down. why ?

not to mention the fact that craigslist was successful because it was the FIRST.
you are far from the first to even try to copy from them.

good luck but anyone wanting a craigslist style posting board, i can do that job in under 24 hours with very little investment.

and no "equipment" LOL
Respectfully Jenna, I think you're mistaken about the cost and time required for a project of this scale. A site that will have as many hits as craigslist requires many servers to carry the load, not to mention the redundancy needed if a node goes down. If a site such as that goes down for even a few hours, people will go elsewhere.

Also, servers generate an enormous amount of heat and require cooling. Hard drives burn out all the time and require replacement. Maintenance and monitoring require personnel. All this requires a great deal of capital.

The programming required is also complicated. Although a site such as craigslist appears easy to program on the surface because it is text based, it is not. Also, the proposed new site will be a posting board, hosting provider and verification site all rolled into one which will make it even more complicated. It will also require defense from those wanting to take the site down.

It is not my intention to insult your intelligence as you mentioned in the other thread. Indeed, your posts indicate a thinking, discerning, shrewd businesswoman. At the same time, please realize that I have expertise in this particular area and everything I am saying can be verified if you ask any other person with similar knowledge.

You are right that craigslist started out for free and intended to donate their $36 million to charity when they started charging for posting. Craig and his group had other intentions for their site - purely intellectual, perhaps. I have made it quite clear that my group intend to profit from a craigslist style posting board and make no apologies for it. I'm sure that most providers can agree that they wouldn't give away their services for free and no one would expect them to. Why should this be any different for us?
macksback's Avatar
Good luck.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Respectfully Jenna, I think you're mistaken about the cost and time required for a project of this scale. A site that will have as many hits as craigslist requires many servers to carry the load, not to mention the redundancy needed if a node goes down. If a site such as that goes down for even a few hours, people will go elsewhere.

Also, servers generate an enormous amount of heat and require cooling. Hard drives burn out all the time and require replacement. Maintenance and monitoring require personnel. All this requires a great deal of capital.

The programming required is also complicated. Although a site such as craigslist appears easy to program on the surface because it is text based, it is not. Also, the proposed new site will be a posting board, hosting provider and verification site all rolled into one which will make it even more complicated. It will also require defense from those wanting to take the site down.

It is not my intention to insult your intelligence as you mentioned in the other thread. Indeed, your posts indicate a thinking, discerning, shrewd businesswoman. At the same time, please realize that I have expertise in this particular area and everything I am saying can be verified if you ask any other person with similar knowledge.

You are right that craigslist started out for free and intended to donate their $36 million to charity when they started charging for posting. Craig and his group had other intentions for their site - purely intellectual, perhaps. I have made it quite clear that my group intend to profit from a craigslist style posting board and make no apologies for it. I'm sure that most providers can agree that they wouldn't give away their services for free and no one would expect them to. Why should this be any different for us? Originally Posted by justin49
Aren't you the same guy offering to hack cyber stalkers for the ladies in another thread?

You do realize that you are posting on a well established board, stating you want to start a craigslist type of board which would be in direct competition with the board you are posting this on, right?

If you have the type of skills you say you have, then you should get a legitimate job rather than posting hokie services and opportunities. Seems many companies would be willing to pay you a very decent wage for your alleged skills.

BTW...telling us what kind of responses you want or how to respond to your posts will probably not get you the desired responses you were seeking. I noticed you did that in the other thread as well. Everything is fair game around here, hon. So, maybe the next time you post, know that you stand a chance of being scoffed at, ridiculed and/or snapped at. BOL
Abe Normal's Avatar
BRAVO M. A. X.....great response.

I've had this bridge in San Francisco I've been trying to sell for years, but people keep laughing at me !!!!

Hasn't CraigDaddy already filled this gap? Not to mentionBackPage? What have I missed here?

elghund's Avatar

Who's the F'cktard here, you or me? Originally Posted by anova444

F'cktard...isn't that an endearing term from Dearhunter? are right, are right.
