why r providers females and hobbyist male?

here is a very dufferent topic...my mind is always wondering about things...so why are there no male providers and females hobbyist or is that another website? I mean some of my gentlemen want a MFM for various reasons...just curious whats your take?
shorty's Avatar
Well not all hobbyist are male's. There are some lady hobbyist but they are outnumbered by the male hobbyist. Never known a male provider though. Never heard of a lady paying for a male provider. As the saying goes "The Pussy Controls The World!"
Google "male escorts." There are a raft of 'em.
guyincognito's Avatar
I am sure there are a myriad of male providers and female hobbyists, but, they are a much smaller amount than what we do here. Let's be honest, if a woman wants to go out and have a good time without paying anything, she has a 100% chance of that happening. Where as the percentage chance of a man going out and getting something is much lower.

I would be happy to be paid for providing a service to a female. Of course I can really only provide upwards of 6 minutes of a good time.

gimme_that's Avatar
I wonder if a male escort cums too quickly or cant get it up what happens. Even if the lady decides not to pay, does he really lose? lol

Are there cbj type male providers who use dental dams for daty?

Are the female clients mostly unattractive or substancially overweight?

Do the ladies have prior references? Do they really need any? lol

If a lady wants anal sex, is that usually extra?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
The MFM - Uh seems like if it were suggested, the lady would want a fee from both guys. But, if a guy wants to pay you and I, so he can participate ----------- then, let me get you my rates and menu and see what we can work out. lol

btw, I'm straight, so he won't get anything from me. But he can pay me to be there and assist in taking care of you.
I have known male providers. There is a need to them, but not as known as our world here. There were usually older/lonely women and/or rich women who just want a sexy man to be with and feel attractive.
I have known male providers. There is a need to them, but not as known as our world here. There were usually older/lonely women and/or rich women who just want a sexy man to be with and feel attractive. Originally Posted by Ivy Chick
Yeah, the archaic word is "gigolo."
Cpalmson's Avatar
Here's the deal, society has determined that men have to earn or "compete" for the attention of women. Not all men are attractive or not all men feel like they can compete for that special woman (or at least the type of woman society determines all men should have). On the other hand, women are taught from day 1 that they control their "dating" destiny. As the cliche goes-- "On any given date, a man HOPES he gets sex. On any given date, a woman KNOWS whether or not she will have sex". I think this translates into the hobby world, most women do not need a male provider to fulfill their needs. They can readily find sex in the civie world. Granted, there are probably a few women who are willing to look for male providers, but that is the exception and not the rule within the hobby world. While there may be a lot of male providers, their clients are probably also male within the gay community. Finally, I would consider being a male provider if all of my clients were 18-25 yr old, hot co-ed cheerleaders looking for an older and experienced man
macksback's Avatar
I would be happy to be paid for providing a service to a female. Of course I can really only provide upwards of 6 minutes of a good time.

Guy Originally Posted by guyincognito
You and me both.
Biggreentractor's Avatar
You and me both. Originally Posted by macksback
me three,, what would be cooler than to be paid to play!!
Biggreentractor's Avatar
for all you ladies with a fetish for fat guys with a little winkie... i can hook a sista up... today
Here's the deal, society has determined that men have to earn or "compete" for the attention of women. Not all men are attractive or not all men feel like they can compete for that special woman (or at least the type of woman society determines all men should have). On the other hand, women are taught from day 1 that they control their "dating" destiny. As the cliche goes-- "On any given date, a man HOPES he gets sex. On any given date, a woman KNOWS whether or not she will have sex". Originally Posted by Cpalmson
That has nothing to do with "society" and everything to do with biology; it's the same in every human culture and every animal species. It's a basic rule of biology: Females go where the resources are, and males go where the females are. There's definitely no mystery to this, y'all.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I would be happy to be paid for providing a service to a female. Of course I can really only provide upwards of 6 minutes of a good time.

Guy Originally Posted by guyincognito
I call bullshit!! You can't go 12 times in one night!!