Is image really that important?

London Rayne's Avatar
When you look for a companion not just a quick bang, does image, presentation, grammar, volume play a bigger part?

Essentially if you are spending more than you normally would and want to take someone in public for an extended date, do you expect more than just a hot body and a list of acronyms?

How important is a professional website, grammar, and overall quality especially from someone at premium rates claiming to be educated and upscale?

Trying to post a poll with this but I am not sure if it's going to work lol.
I've often wondered the same thing. Sometimes, it seems like it's really of no consequence at all.
London Rayne's Avatar
That's cuz we live in the wrong city babe. Warm, wet, cheap, and always available tends to beat out quality lol.
I have tried the eloquent ads and the cum fuck me ads. Its just a matter of catching different flies with different honey. So, to be true to me, I stick with what works best for me.
OK, what you're talking about is really more than just the "image" in the thread title.

But let me try and respond to the substance of the OP.

Even if I'm spending an hour with a provider, I'm really disappointed when she doesn't speak English correctly or can't carry on a conversation. I've been with some pretty hot ladies that have let me down in this respect, and it has colored my experience negatively.

Only once have I booked longer than an hour (because I generally can't afford it). Even then, the lady thought I only booked an hour and was out the door with the 1 1/2 rate. She was really hot, but couldn't carry on a conversation and butchered the English language.

I might wait longer in between dates in order to afford a longer time if I could be assured of good public and private time. So far, that hasn't happened.

Since I'm an older one pop kinda guy, the acronyms don't much matter, just so long as something is there. I am partial to BBBJs, but prefer not to pop that way. Greek doesn't do anything for me.

I ran into one lady who seemed to be able to carry off the public/BCD stuff very well. We had a good conversation, mostly sports, which I don't know much about, so I'd have to meet up with her again to see if she can carry on a conversation about something other than sports.

So, in the end, images are important (we know what we like and WALDT), but it's the lady's ability with both the verbal and the physical that counts, IMHO.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think image and the ability to present one's self in person and in an ad is important. It shows that the person has a positive self esteem and is a provider who is "in it" for more than just the money.
gimme_that's Avatar
Im not sure how to vote because your asking two different questions I think.

If shes claiming to be educated and has spelling issues that probably a no go dinner date an exposure wise, but as far as BCD stuff long as she is reputable and reviewed with the stuff I like Id still see her for a session. But definitely not a dinner date. But her phone demeanor is probably a better judge for me than a site. I check ladies about me page mostly for their measurements lol. The other stuff is fluff until we talk.

But even the ladies who post all their accolades of educational background, well traveledness, cheesey sounding courtesean titles annoy me sometimes to. Especially if the bread and butter info like what she offers and reviews is non existent.

Incredible looks, a rare hobby body type (ass), or multiple stellar reviews usually will sway me out of a donation limit, but she has 2 have a rep and what Ilike, or my image of her will be blurry.

Volume we cant control or know. Total guess work there.
Good post London. I was wondering the same myself.
London Rayne's Avatar
Ok Charlie but much "talking" can you possibly do in an hour? I have found that guys who normally don't spend the funds really don't much care about all of that extra stuff, so your reply is refreshing. I am kind of shocked that most of the replies want both, but that contradicts the reviews that are being written for girls who can't even spell discreet properly lol.

In my area none of that seems to matter to the majority of guys...not all but most. A young, naive, low rate girl willing to let them treat her like a monkey always stays busy....too busy really lol.

Gimmethat you answered just what I was asking. I am only asking about girls you choose to spend long periods of time with in public, who charge premium rates, and ones who claim intellect. I think it's really unfair to expect all of the above from a girl who already says she is only here for quickie motel sex.

You did bring up another valid point though....what if she is superior in every aspect except bcd? That's another thread lol.
Ok Charlie but much "talking" can you possibly do in an hour? Originally Posted by London Rayne
When it only takes 5 minutes to pop (if that), then you can talk for 55 minutes. Less, of course, the time it takes to exchange the envelope.

(And, BTW, the best time I ever had was with a lady who spared me the expense of an envelope. She said to just lay the cash out where she could see it.)
gimme_that's Avatar
[QUOTE=London Rayne;725245]Gimmethat you answered just what I was asking. I am only asking about girls you choose to spend long periods of time with in public, who charge premium rates, and ones who claim intellect...

Then Im gonna vote it matters a great deal since we are in fact in public. A lady Id see for an overnight in a hotel and one I would feel comfortable going on a dinner date are two separate entities.

But even then Im somewhat conflicted. Id tend to dinner date with a provider i clicked with on the phone or visually in public....people I know ...lord forbid...could assume Id be dating anyway.

She cant be too gorgeous or eye catching in public, but she definitely cant just be ....fuckable either. If I go on a dinner date her ***personability***via phone and her looks determines my comfortability...unless Im out of my home town then it doesnt matter.
London Rayne's Avatar
Charlie you poor baby! Come see me honey. I will make that one pop last til 55 min. and then have you dizzy!

Gimmethat thanks for the honest and detailed response.
burkalini's Avatar
I agree with Charles that when you see a hot provider and she has the converstaion of a true trailer trash resident it removes alot from the meeting. I don't really think it has to do with how long you can last though. I can last as long as I want. There are times when five minutes is too much and you want to get get her out of there as fast as possible. Then there are times when you wish you had booked a longer date because she is intelligent and hot. I think true intelligence makes me as hot as appearance
London Rayne's Avatar
I was not referring to how long a guy can last, but how long he is booking. Most guys who just want a quick bang don't look at anything but photos and rates, but the guys looking for true companionship tend to grade on all of the above.
Gryphon's Avatar
I never book less than 2 hours because I want a chance to get to know the lady and see if we connect on a more than a physical level. Hot but dumb doesn't do the trick for me. The most important sexual organ is the brain.