Did you make the cut lol.

London Rayne's Avatar
I posted this in my local area but it's serious enough and stupid enough to post here.

Looks like a few of our ladies made the cut...I only made the "Hate mail from the Heathen" link lmao.

Wow, what a lunatic! Won't he be surprised when he dies and finds it's nothing like he imagined!
London Rayne's Avatar
Yea really. I love God, but I won't ever let another HUMAN tell me what my fate is because of what I do vs. who I am.

First sign he is not a Christian....he never in one bashing email asked if he could pray for any of us whores, nor did he mention the male counterpart.

So obvious it's a jaded wife who lost hubby to an escort and is using God as her voice box.
Each person has to find their own path and no on has the right to tell anyone else what that path is.
I'm making my reply in the ladies section -- too many prying eyes around here.
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh Carrie I saw your name and thought well at least he/she has good taste
what a jerkoff !!! either a scorned wife or a guy who can't afford or be screened !!!
I posted this in my local area but it's serious enough and stupid enough to post here.

Looks like a few of our ladies made the cut...I only made the "Hate mail from the Heathen" link lmao.

http://whoresofbabylon.com/why-you-deserve-hell/ Originally Posted by London Rayne

Ummm.. religious nut anyone? Lawls..

This reminds me one time years ago receiving nonstop messages via my website from some nut case like this on a continuous religious fanatical rant thinking they were going to save my soul. I let them know through no uncertain terms I was an atheist and did not believe in such things, then promptly blocked/banned their IP address.

The thing that scares me about a site like this, it could possibly incite mentally unstable individuals to harm one of these ladies or stalk them because "their god told them to".
London Rayne's Avatar
Exactly! Anyone remember 9-11? Nuff said.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
What a freak.

Geez, I swear, anyone can get a website nowadays!


I see where it could be dangerous, but damn that is funny!

Hey, I know, Lets hire that Justin Bieber Hacker for Hire Guy to find out where he lives and pickett like those strippers did.

They were having one church literally stalking the parking lot photographing license plates and picketting, so it really hurt business.

The next Sunday, all the strippers showed up at the church in their stripper outfits carrying do unto others as you would have them do unto you signs in their hands.

It was like, good for them! I mean, not to disrespect the church, but real churches don't stalk people and create Hate Promoting web sites....London, If I were you, I would look into the copyright on your photo, it is your image, and he is not the photographer, he has no release.... You ain't allowed to go postin anybodies photos anywhere without permission. At least I know I can't, I have to have a signed release.
Awwww Carrie, sounds like he has a crush on you! For real, how friggin psycho is that? Gawwwd.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 11-05-2010, 06:27 AM
Didn't Jesus change the message to "why you deserve heaven"? Maybe I missed something, but I don't think so....

JoesphFriday's Avatar
Everybody has to live with their own conscience when its said and done. There is a price that goes with this lifestyle, some pay a bigger price than others when they are outted or get caught.There are many dawgs and providers alike who do this praying the ones that mean most to them do not find out. All I can say is at the end of the day you can look at yourself in the mirror, and based on the morals and principles you were raised with live with yourself, that all that matters.
Hey, how come I'm not on there?