
Cody69's Avatar
Every Presidential Election the MEGA's say the Democrats will take your Guns away. Biden has less than a year left, WHEN IS SENILE BIDEN AND ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS GETTING EVERYONE GUNS??????

Don't disappoint me, I want to hear from you guys they will have to pry you gun out of your cold dead hands. I love that. Tough Guys...
You may want to check today’s news in Pa.

The Democratic controlled House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns.

Liberals keep saying they are not after guns while doing just the opposite.
Exactly why you have no credibility!
Cody69's Avatar
You may want to check today’s news in Pa.

The Democratic controlled House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns.

Liberals keep saying they are not after guns while doing just the opposite.
Exactly why you have no credibility! Originally Posted by Chase7
It is not that I have no credibility, it is you are used to watching bullshit news groups with fantasized news and believing everyone should be able to take down people that don't think the way you do. It is news groups that you wish the news were true. I deal with the highly rated news groups where they give news good or bad for both parties. Not one sided.

You don't find that weird that your news groups says nothing bad of republicans but can't say anything good of the democrats. I hope one day you will figure it out, but to be honest, I have my doubts. I have been reading your credibility post.

Thanks for your input though. At least you will read my posts. Maybe a little good will come out of it for the both of us.

And you are right we need military rifles in this country where anyone can own one. AR's will make America great again. To bad people don't know the rules and kill innocent kids, church goers people at McDonalds I could go on for days. Those guns have definitely made America great since before we had them. I have been around before we had them and I see how great they are now.

To bad the democrats are trying to take them away. If they do all those that want to kill a bunch of people will have to go to the service. Try it, it is a learning experience, everyone should have to defend our country for a few years instead of watching Rambo or John Wayne having to do it.
The news source camme from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review yesterday, not close to a conservative news source.

I’ll throw this out there. If I’m not mistaken automatic firearms are already banned. If so why include that in a bill.

Your post can be considered disingenuous and or fake news. Check out The Trib, hardly a conservative newspaper.

It’s threads/posts like yours that you shows you lack credibility. Why post something that lacks credibility.

A reminder, your off topic with your response to my post. You bring up people being shot in schools ect your tread is about democrats wanting to take guns from people.

In you bringing up guns being used in schools ect, you forgot to mention undocumented/stolen guns used to kill individuals in our cities in one on one violence.
Undocumented gun violence/murder one on one in our cities is the real crime concerning guns, liberals for some reason leave that out.
It’s not documented responsible gun ownership responsible for the most murders in America.
Yes some commit mass murder those are not the cause of most gun violence in America.
Cody69's Avatar
The news source camme from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review yesterday, not close to a conservative news source.

I’ll throw this out there. If I’m not mistaken automatic firearms are already banned. If so why include that in a bill.

Your post can be considered disingenuous and or fake news. Check out The Trib, hardly a conservative newspaper.

It’s threads/posts like yours that you shows you lack credibility. Why post something that lacks credibility.

A reminder, your off topic with your response to my post. You bring up people being shot in schools ect your tread is about democrats wanting to take guns from people.

In you bringing up guns being used in schools ect, you forgot to mention undocumented/stolen guns used to kill individuals in our cities in one on one violence.
Undocumented gun violence/murder one on one in our cities is the real crime concerning guns, liberals for some reason leave that out.
It’s not documented responsible gun ownership responsible for the most murders in America.
Yes some commit mass murder those are not the cause of most gun violence in America. Originally Posted by Chase7
I never said a thing of your post from PA trying to be an adults and making a bill to outlaw assault weapons. That I can believe.

All of your posts over the years of the election fraud which was run by the republicans being rigged I have to disagree being the republicans were in charge at the time.

All of my information comes from our local news papers, NY Times, ABC, CBS, NBC and the funny part they are all have the same news from totally different people and sources. None of my information come from anyone that had to pay almost a billion dollar fine or had to fire most of there people. Go Figure..

I wasn't aware the Pennsylvania was trying to pass a bill that you said. GOOD. It is about time.

I am just an normal work a normal job now being retired job. I am not a genius like the people are on here. Just a normal guy. That is why I sometimes double check the facts on here and check where the information comes from and most of the differences come from after googling the source that it was a far right extremists news group.
eyecu2's Avatar
Automatic weapons are not banned. They are taxed and registered. Anyone without a criminal record can own one, and hell, you can even buy a silencer to add to it. So you can go out and protect 'Merica' in semi-or fully auto silence.

If you need a fully auto gun to hunt, you're a shitty hunter. For that matter, the most semi's are way overkill, but the best gun for all around shooting is a 12 ga, gas semi-auto.

You can hunt, do sport shooting, like clays or other stuff, and a great home defense gun for shooting down a hallway! LOL. You don't want to be on the other end of that thing. Plus ammo is everywhere for those- and not 30 dollars a box. John Wick approved.
berryberry's Avatar
It is not that I have no credibility, it is you are used to watching bullshit news groups with fantasized news and believing everyone should be able to take down people that don't think the way you do. It is news groups that you wish the news were true. I deal with the highly rated news groups where they give news good or bad for both parties. Not one sided. Originally Posted by Cody69
LOL, credibility? Dude, you have been corrected numerous times by multiple people on different false points you posted.

The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns. You better check your "sources"

As to guns, do you believe in and support the US Constitution?
Cody69's Avatar
LOL, credibility? Dude, you have been corrected numerous times by multiple people on different false points you posted.

The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns. You better check your "sources"

As to guns, do you believe in and support the US Constitution? Originally Posted by berryberry
Berry I won't do a rant like you when I don't get my own way, sorry. You are a genius, I have ask you that before and you told me that before. I am at best average. I am confused, banning assault rifles that have killed numerous innocent people including babies, kids in school, teachers, parents, grandparents going shopping, police, guards, I could go on for days does not mean all guns.

Just military rifles that should have never been giving to the general public. It is for the people that are either dealing drugs, want to take over the capitol, was afraid to go to the service so they feel like they need to pretend that they are being taken over and are going to protect there family or God knows why else. And anyone with any kind of a brain knows that. It is to late now. Nothing can ever reverse what has happened. So we are stuck with them.

Speaking of Dude I have been called out, you just told a right wing fake story right here. Assault rifles are not all guns, they are military rifles that should have never ever been offered to the public. The republican made them legal to produce votes. Sort of what you say continually of the Democrats doing for the Mexicans and the Blacks strictly for producing votes.

So in one paragraph that you just posted it is fake news. That is only one out of how many do you figure 100 paragraphs a day you post at your prime, maybe 30 right now? Somewhere close to that correct?

I don't want to get anymore off subject or I could go on and on of the fake posts you have posted. I understand why, to get a reaction. Love it, that is my job. I love your posts. I love peoples posts. All bull but hey they are entertaining.

You wasn't here when I come back, BORING. Welcome back, I will say it again. Especially in the winter when if I don't have to go out in the cold I don't and I can sit and read the fictional stories.

Thank you.
berryberry's Avatar
you just told a right wing fake story right here. Assault rifles are not all guns, they are military rifles that should have never ever been offered to the public.

So in one paragraph that you just posted it is fake news. Originally Posted by Cody69
Cody - why do you lie about this?

Please show us how the news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday is "a right wing fake story" according to you.

Come on, if you are going to falsely claim that, provide evidence please
Is anyone seriously arguing about taking away assault rifles? You mean, the tool invented specifically to kill people with. You want MORE of those on the street?

Hunting rifles, sure. You can hunt with them. Sidearms, sure, you could reasonably protect yourself with it, or be a Good Guy With a Gun with one.

Automatic rifle? What's next, a machine gun mounted to the back of a MAGA pickup truck flying a lost rebel's flag while burning coal, gunning down the perceived have-nots?

Military grade hardware should never, and should have never been allowed to find its way into civilian hands. That's a no brainer, and I think everyone with a few brain cells can agree on this.
Gun control has always been about taking illegal guns, stolen guns, 3d printed guns out of public hands, as well as putting more restrictions on selling legal deadly weapons to people who are not responsible and inept.

Yes, owning a firearm is a constitutional right. But just like reproduction is a god-given right, some people (such as the mentally disabled) are barred from procreating because they lack the mental faculties to be a responsible parent. Same thing with guns. If you are lacking the ability to use a gun responsibly, you shouldn't have one.
Cody69's Avatar
Berry please high light what you are saying. I am saying you give fake news when you are saying democrats are going to take guns away, not just the assault rifles. That is what I said. Please high light I said his story is fake, yours, not his. I didn't know what he said, I actually said I didn't know and it was about time.
berryberry's Avatar
Berry please high light what you are saying. I am saying you give fake news when you are saying democrats are going to take guns away, not just the assault rifles. That is what I said. Please high light I said his story is fake, yours, not his. I didn't know what he said, I actually said I didn't know and it was about time. Originally Posted by Cody69
Again, why do you lie about this?

I clearly pointed out above that The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns.

That story was in a host of news papers across PA. So why do you lie and say it is fake news?
Cody69's Avatar
Again, why do you lie about this?

I clearly pointed out above that The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns.

That story was in a host of news papers across PA. So why do you lie and say it is fake news? Originally Posted by berryberry
I clearly pointed out above that The news story Chase posted about Democrats in the PA House introduced a bill to ban automatic and semiautomatic guns just yesterday was in any mainstream PA newspaper yesterday. So yes, Democrats are trying to ban guns.

No offence, I understand what the problem is, you are so angry and filled with rag you can not see what that actually says, automatic and semiautomatic guns, not all guns. I know why you are a republican now.. Translation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Automatic weapons are not banned. They are taxed and registered. Anyone without a criminal record can own one, and hell, you can even buy a silencer to add to it. So you can go out and protect 'Merica' in semi-or fully auto silence.

If you need a fully auto gun to hunt, you're a shitty hunter. For that matter, the most semi's are way overkill, but the best gun for all around shooting is a 12 ga, gas semi-auto.

You can hunt, do sport shooting, like clays or other stuff, and a great home defense gun for shooting down a hallway! LOL. You don't want to be on the other end of that thing. Plus ammo is everywhere for those- and not 30 dollars a box. John Wick approved. Originally Posted by eyecu2

you forget to mention two things ... you need a FFL to own a fully auto weapon and it can't be newer than 1986

an FFL is intended for firearms dealers not joe hunter dude.

your hunter analogy is wrong. no State allows that type of weapon for hunting.
Every Presidential Election the MEGA's say the Democrats will take your Guns away. Biden has less than a year left, WHEN IS SENILE BIDEN AND ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS GETTING EVERYONE GUNS??????

Don't disappoint me, I want to hear from you guys they will have to pry you gun out of your cold dead hands. I love that. Tough Guys... Originally Posted by Cody69
This is what you posted, own it. You was flat out proven wrong. Why try to change the narrative once you was proven wrong which I’ll guess you knew when you posted this.
Most know most liberal politicians want to ban guns, I don’t know if most democrats want to, I doubt it.

When someone post something to simply agitate someone, I question their motive.
What is your point. Do you simply want to cause discord.