Senile Biden Crime Family busted again

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Bombshell report about Senile Biden’s involvement in his brother Jim’s corrupt healthcare business that was involved in Medicare fraud.

bambino's Avatar
He’ll be gone soon. When Politico goes after a Democrat, it’s over.
He’ll be gone soon. When Politico goes after a Democrat, it’s over. Originally Posted by bambino
Lol. "He'll be gone soon"?? Huh?
berryberry's Avatar
Looks like James Biden also used the “I’m sitting here” with Senile Joe line on phone calls just like Hunter did

... James Biden is due in to talk with the House Oversight Committee
this coming week... Hopefully he can clear that up...

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
I'd say all criminals need prosecuting. If the name is Biden so be it. We already know of another 5 letter name that has 3 ppl facing criminal charges and 7 to 9 figure fines.


Sitting next to a criminal is a far cry from being complicit in a crime. I sat on a pat bus once or twice to a few shady looking dudes.....I bet I must have broke the law too then by proxy!
berryberry's Avatar
This explains why Americore sent Jim Biden a $200,000 “loan” in March 2018 that he and his wife Sara used to write this payoff of his share to Senile Biden.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I'd say all criminals need prosecuting. If the name is Biden so be it. We already know of another 5 letter name that has 3 ppl facing criminal charges and 7 to 9 figure fines. Originally Posted by eyecu2
That’s progress, but we all know exactly who will be pursued, who won’t, and why. We just saw the report a week ago that basically says ’Biden is a criminal, but he’s old and dementia ridden so we’re not going to worry about it’.

Sitting next to a criminal is a far cry from being complicit in a crime. I sat on a pat bus once or twice to a few shady looking dudes.....I bet I must have broke the law too then by proxy!
C’mon man! You know EXACTLY why Jim and Hunter say they’re sitting there with their brother/father. You’re way to bright to pretend you don’t. You and I may not agree on much but you’re clearly not a brainwashed sheep like most of these other wackadoos. This shit is gangster intimidation 101.
... Eye DOES see and understand what's going on with things.
He's one of the fair-minded liberal posters in the forum.
And over in the political forum as well.

... At some point the libs will reach top of the pot
with their blinding support for the Bidens - as all of
Joe's lies and claims can no longer be defended.

Some of the liberal news media - such-as the NY Times -
have already explained this - in their-own liberal manner.

The money revelations and ties to China businesses are surely
becoming too much to ignore... Joe Biden's constant lies
about simple issue that are easily proven to be false, such-as
"I never met ANY of my son's business partners" and, of course
"My family never received ANY money from China" are two of these.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal
berryberry's Avatar
After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal Originally Posted by bambino
Indeed !!! Senile Biden was outed by Hunter
... Rolled right over like a timid dingo!

His barrister KNEW that the Oversight Committee HAS the evidence
and surely advised Hunter to play-along.
Might keep Hunter out of jail next year.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Rep Tim Burchett - Tenn. I think we need to put this thing to rest.

Reporter- It doesn't appear like you have the votes to impeach?

Burchett, -I know, but our base is calling for a vote.

Congratulations GOP on your years-long investigation into nothingness - resulting in zero impeachment.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s amazing the lengths people will go to, and what they’re willing to overlook, to justify voting for a guy who has clearly been selling his office to rival nations for decades. Party over country doesn’t even begin to describe it.
berryberry's Avatar
Hunter is now on the record:

✔️Admitting he used his father to close his deals.

✔️Confirming @POTUS is the 'big guy.'

✔️Admitting to receiving millions of dollars from China and receiving a $250,000 wire from the CEO of a state-backed investment fund.