The head of the Deep State (Cabal) has died!!!!

bambino's Avatar
This is great news!!! Jacob Rothschild, head of the central banks world wide is toe up!!!

The Queen, now him. Buckle up.
Benjamin_Dover's Avatar
This is great news!!! Jacob Rothschild, head of the central banks world wide is toe up!!!

The Queen, now him. Buckle up. Originally Posted by bambino
Very Interesting. Thank you for posting this.

Note: At 11:00 AM there was only 3 views of this post, but it was already rated at only "One Star".

I guess that the feds on this site are busy today.
bambino's Avatar
Very Interesting. Thank you for posting this.

Note: At 11:00 AM there was only 3 views of this post, but it was already rated at only "One Star".

I guess that the feds on this site are busy today.
. Originally Posted by Benjamin_Dover
People have no clue that the Fed was started and owned by the Rothchilds and Rockefellers. We’ve been slaves since 1913.

Jacob Rothschild has died.

• Prince Philip died 4.9.21
— 17 months later ��

• The Queen died 9.8.22
— she died exactly 1776 days after the first Q Drop, 10.28.17
— 17 months later ��

— Jacob Rothschild died 2.26.24

Drop a . If you think the world is now a better place.

News Flash
winn dixie's Avatar
Celebrating death?
bambino's Avatar
Well, the Rothchilds have celebrated millions of deaths over the years. They’ve financed both sides of wars amongst other things. You betcha I’m glad he’s dead. 87yrs was way too long for that scumbag.
bambino's Avatar
Now that Jacob Rothschild has died, good time to revisit an interview with the man himself.

Ancestor’s Helped Create Israel Forcing the British Government to Sign the Balfour Declaration in 1917

Israeli is last for a reason

Is another side of the /_\ Collapsing with events in Israel?

What is the Balfour Declaration & how were the Rothschilds involved? 1917 - The Rothschilds Created Israel

I hope everyone understands the significance of what’s happening.

+++ House of Saud /_\
++ Rothschilds _\
+ Soros _

What happened in Saudi Arabia following Donald Trumps almost immediate visit to Saudi Arabia in 2017?

MASS ARREST’S of prominent Saudi Arabian princes, government ministers, and business people in Saudi Arabia. Q said One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history). Other sides falling.

Those actions freed a lot of people. Blackmail no longer held over the heads of many.

SA controlled US/UK politicians & Big Tech via blackmail. S3x/********.

Rothschilds (banks) controlled governments. Governments control people.

Soros controls organizations of people.

+++ House of Saud
++ Rothschilds
+ Soros

_ �� Feels like we here now…

Edit; video deleted. Discusses forbidden topics.
bambino's Avatar