Who will be the Republican nominee for POTUS in 2016

It's early but I'm interested in what the hive thinks.

I predict Christie with Cruz as a third party candidate who will siphon off enough votes to prevent Christie from beating Hillary. In the absence of Cruz, Christie beats Clinton or any other Democratic nominee.
Cruz Palin
Cruz Palin Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's Whirly and JD's ticket. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So many choices unlike the democrats. You have Hillary and only Hillary. How sad.

Come Again
Wild Cards
JCM800's Avatar
Cruz Palin Originally Posted by i'va biggen
that would be a good match ....one can read Green Eggs and Ham, and the other would need it explained to her.
It's early but I'm interested in what the hive thinks.

I predict Christie with Cruz as a third party candidate who will siphon off enough votes to prevent Christie from beating Hillary. In the absence of Cruz, Christie beats Clinton or any other Democratic nominee. Originally Posted by timpage
That seems pretty plausible. But as you say, the key is to keep some dip wad "independent" out of the race. A vote for anybody except the Republican Candidate will be the same as a vote for the Democrats.
So many choices unlike the democrats. You have Hillary and only Hillary. How sad.

Come Again
Wild Cards
Trump Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, the only thing more sad is that your list is made up largely of morons. Actually there is one thing more sad than that: your inability to recognize it.
That seems pretty plausible. But as you say, the key is to keep some dip wad "independent" out of the race. A vote for anybody except the Republican Candidate will be the same as a vote for the Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Right. I'll tell you how plausible a candidate Christie is, in my opinion. I might vote for him.

But, the "principled conservative" Tea Party idiots will never get it. They're going to destroy the Republican party.
Right. I'll tell you how plausible a candidate Christie is, in my opinion. I might vote for him.

But, the "principled conservative" Tea Party idiots will never get it. They're going to destroy the Republican party. Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy, you seem kind of angry today. I thought I would post a video to cheer you up.

Timmy claims he doesn't watch videos; but he also claimed he was leaving the Political Forum, and didn't.............

Timmy, you seem kind of angry today. I thought I would post a video to cheer you up.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Who cares if the Republican party gets destroyed?

You act like the world will be destroyed if that happens; some other party will replace the political vacuum left if the GOP evaporates................and it isn't going to implode as single catastrophic event; if it self destructs it will be a long drawn-out process...........

You are a fucking loon..................whining about conservatives "destroying the GOP"...........the same thing was said about the Democratic Party after they got their asses handed to them for nominating Humphrey and McGovern.

Right. I'll tell you how plausible a candidate Christie is, in my opinion. I might vote for him.

But, the "principled conservative" Tea Party idiots will never get it. They're going to destroy the Republican party. Originally Posted by timpage
And Christi will turn out to be the "great hope" of the establishment GOP; and will be soundly defeated like McCain and Romney....

Christie wouldn't sign on to any legal actions challenging Obamacare and is among a handful of GOP governors moving to implement it.

Christi is another big government Republican bragging how he can get big government things done with a bipartisan majority!

If that is what the GOP establishment has in mind for America; then the hell with the GOP. And you think a majority leader McConnel would vote to defund Obamacare ?

I don't; I think if these Senatorial elites ever got back into majority status they would coast along with more spending; more regulation; more debt ! Proof is the immigration bill; the GOP Senate is dying to pass amnesty.

But if you have proof otherwise, please post.
Who cares if the Republican party gets destroyed?

You act like the world will be destroyed if that happens; some other party will replace the political vacuum left if the GOP evaporates................and it isn't going to implode as single catastrophic event; if it self destructs it will be a long drawn-out process...........

You are a fucking loon..................whining about conservatives "destroying the GOP"........... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, what party will that be you big dreamer?

As usual, you're stupid. You think that the Tea Party is going to replace the Republican Party.... and guess what genius? That is not going to happen. All your precious Tea Party is going to accomplish, if it in fact ever accomplishes anything else, is to weaken the GOP to the extent that it is going to lose political power. Your Tea Party candidates don't have any national appeal moron.....because most people, unlike you, have brains that they use to think with..... and they realize that a party whose primary standard bearers are maroons like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz is a party they are not going to support.

You don't stand for anything except hatred, intolerance, religious zealotry and complaining. That shit doesn't win elections. And neither will you.
I could care less if the GOP gets destroyed because the Tea Party stands firm on it's small government principles. But you are the one who is opining it's demise, not me.

The question is why do you care ?

Answer: Because you like big government, ever ending federalization, higher taxation, out of control spending, debt, and less liberty and freedom.

Today's GOP leadership is dug in, petty, and self-serving; they have no vision for America's future except what they have been doing for the past decades - more spending, more regulations, more political power in Washington. They need to reform or go.
I could [sic] care less if the GOP gets destroyed because the Tea Party stands firm on it's [sic] small government principles. But you are the one who is opining it's [sic] demise, not me. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
For someone who says he couldn't care less whether the Republican Party goes off on yet another political kamikaze mission, you sure did get a Chris Matthews-style thrill up your leg every time some state poll showed just a little bit of strength for Romney during the run-up to the 2012 election, didn't you? How many threads did you start with titles such as "Wisconsin trending Romney!" -- or some similar giddiness?

Oh, yeah, one more thing. Those thread titles were screamed in ALL-CAPS, weren't they?