New # and location.

SparkyMo's Avatar
Someone I have been seeing lately suddenly has a new number and is in a new location. Should I be concerned? Or is this SOP, and I am being overly cautious?
FrankieP's Avatar
Maybe broke up with her boyfriend and he kicked her off his phone plan? Could be a number of reasons. I would ask and use your best judgement.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Someone I have been seeing lately suddenly has a new number and is in a new location. Should I be concerned? Or is this SOP, and I am being overly cautious? Originally Posted by SparkyMo
Yes you should be concerned: because something changed. A sudden change in the phone number should be viewed with caution simply because the phone number is the one thing that a lady relies on to be consistent. Business can be lost because of a changed number.

You don't have to go crazy over it, nothing is black and white. But it is a factor that you should note as one of many item you know about her.