What to do as a periodic hobbyist?

Hey all, hopefully this doesn't come off as too negative, I just am a little frustrated and trying to get some advice

I fairly rarely see any providers (maybe 2 a year over the past 2 years?), but when I DO want to see one, I'm usually after something specific or someone new. But when my last review or meeting was 9 months ago... it's hard to get past screening. Now, screening is fair, and totally is called for. I'm just not sure how to mesh what I want with the way the business is set up. I'm considering a p411 membership but I believe that still isn't enough a lot of times?

Should I just keep an eye on the agencies and see if I can get lucky? I don't want the lady or myself to be put out or put at risk, but I want to see what I want to see :P

I welcome input from clients and providers. What spurred this post was (perhaps obviously) being turned down because screening couldn't be satisfied with someone I was really looking forward to meeting. Also obviously, not everyone will have the same requirements/rules but I'm just curious if there's others like me and what they do?
DallasRain's Avatar
some of us are newbie friendly if ya wanna provide other verifiable info

good luck babe
joining p411 is a good idea. Very reputable site and makes both parties feel more at ease
I agree with Dallas. Although they might not be exaxtly who you want to see, there are decent providers whicare newbee friendly. Book b them, be nice hlget your rocks off a few times and write a review. Then save some extra duckets and see the angel if your dreams. Probably the best way.
Newbie friendly here as well
I'm newbie friendly also!
Appreciate all the responses. That is what I've tried to do before, it's just usually TOO long after I see one that I see another. I have seen some newbie friendly providers but after a year they either have moved on or forget me :p

I actually don't mind providing info to a reputable provider, either. Which is why I was thinking about p411