Question for providers

So, when a potential customer (me) has a scheduled time with a provider, but at the last minute, the provider sends an email indicating, "I've come down with a cold and I'll need to cancel.....sorry." My question is, does this mean:

A) you're actually sick and I should stop trying to read anything else into it.
B) you've received an offer from a client that you simply can't refuse.
C) you have reason to be concerned the potential customer may not be legit.
D) other

They could all be true. But you probably will never know. You should relax about it an don't let it bother you. At least she said something. Real life comes up sometimes. They cancel because of any number of reasons, including the ones there. If you knew the truth to most of them, it probably wouldn't make you feel better.

As you see more reliable providers (both quantity / quality), you won't sweat it as much when a date get cancelled with notification.
I wouldn't cacel on someone for a better offer. 4 out 5 times that 'better offer' is TGTBT and you shouldve stuck with the original plan in the first place.
If i didn't think a person was legit, I wouldnt set an appointment to begin with. But if you do something that makes my uncomfortable im going to tell you i just dont feel comfortable.

But yes sometimes life happens... Case in point... I was coming into town and had something set for late evening (9pm) The day before ended up being a complete clusterfuck.. literally got NO SLEEP the night before flew half way across country and as soon as i landed drove 6 hours to my destination and i was EXAUSTED. i knew i wasnt going to be 100% and i didnt even cancel i merely mentioned rescheduling for the next day .. and the gent was upset and took it as a cancellation. But if I know Im not going to be able to provide you an awesome session Im going to reschedule for another time.
Would you rather have a provider be 100% for you and have an awesome time or keep your scheduled appointment and possibly have a crappy time knowing she should have cancelled/ rescheduled in the first place.
johnsontedt84's Avatar
Don't take it personally. Like Kay said shit happens that completely ruins our plans. Its called life, just wait and try to reschedule for another day.
skbinks's Avatar
I wouldn't cancel on someone for a better offer. 4 out 5 times that 'better offer' is TGTBT and you should've stuck with the original plan in the first place. Originally Posted by Kay2Day
If I found my date cancelled on someone just to see me, I might like it, but in the back of my head I would be wondering if she will do that to me too someday. I don't ever have to worry about the first part, but I worry about the second part.

Would you rather have a provider be 100% for you and have an awesome time or keep your scheduled appointment and possibly have a crappy time knowing she should have cancelled/ rescheduled in the first place. Originally Posted by Kay2Day
100%. If not, then I might as well save my money and do it myself. It's real irritating having sex and the woman was so tired she falls asleep on you. Yep, happened with my X because she had been working so much (not a provider) and had only had 1 or 2 hours sleep in 2 days but wanted me to be happy.
I cancelled on a nice lady just this AM. 2 hours before our scheduled date that I set up 5 days earlier. I have seen this lady before and she lets me do what I need for a nice date. Bottom line, I didnt feel well. 2 hrs before meeting, I texted and PMed to cancel. I felt bad for her. She, like all providers depend on dates for income. I made the right decision though, for both of us. During the time of our scheduled date time, I was on the pot four times. It wasnt pretty! Now, imagine if I had continued with the date.

I dont know if Ive ruined my chance to see this lady again. I wouldnt blame her. Its no different for her, Im sure she was upset. I just couldnt help it. I would have shit myself twice just driving over to kc.
DallasRain's Avatar
I wouldn't cacel on someone for a better offer. 4 out 5 times that 'better offer' is TGTBT and you shouldve stuck with the original plan in the first place.
If i didn't think a person was legit, I wouldnt set an appointment to begin with. But if you do something that makes my uncomfortable im going to tell you i just dont feel comfortable.

I cancelled on a nice lady just this AM. 2 hours before our scheduled date that I set up 5 days earlier. I have seen this lady before and she lets me do what I need for a nice date. Bottom line, I didnt feel well. 2 hrs before meeting, I texted and PMed to cancel. I felt bad for her. She, like all providers depend on dates for income. I made the right decision though, for both of us. During the time of our scheduled date time, I was on the pot four times. It wasnt pretty! Now, imagine if I had continued with the date.

I dont know if Ive ruined my chance to see this lady again. I wouldnt blame her. Its no different for her, Im sure she was upset. I just couldnt help it. I would have shit myself twice just driving over to kc. Originally Posted by MrNyceGuy

TMI Guy TMI lmfao. I hope your feeling better.
TMI Guy TMI lmfao. I hope your feeling better. Originally Posted by Tempstress Tiff
Just telling it like it was, could you imagine in your job if I showed up yesterday and wanted prostate massage. Just explaining why I cancelled. Just saying I was under the weather would be a non believable cop out. I was a sick mofo.