I Guess I'm On Kaylen's Shit List

dumars's Avatar
There are two things I avoid like HIV, E. coli and Ebola. That's downtown and the airport area. No problem with the airport itself.

I haven't been in the airport area for many years for recreational reasons so I thought I'd give it a chance. I got a wake up and a reminder to stay away from there. I was supposed to spend some time with Kaylen this afternoon. Made all the necessary preparations, stuffed my pockets with cash, printed up the directions. Hell, even brushed my teeth!!

Followed the printed Google maps directions and after driving for more than a half hour, it led me to a dead end street. No shit!! Called Kaylen and she started to give me some other directions, matter of factly, like I had been there before. i envisioned myself driving up and down highways and streets so I told her to best wait 'til she got back into town. She got PISSED! She hung up on me. Ok! So drove back home.

For the record my son just bought a home in OP. I relied on google maps for the first 3 trips to his place. Some people like congested or built up areas. I'm not one of them. I have lived in this town for 20 years, I'm 'bout ready to move back out to the woods. This experience has provided some kick in the pants.

That's it!!

Ohhh well what can ya do? Plenty of fish in the sea
Ohhh well what can ya do? Plenty of fish in the sea Originally Posted by Kay2Day
Thats for sure....so when you gonna swim my way?
Thats for sure....so when you gonna swim my way? Originally Posted by BigDeal
Thursday lets make it happen!
Most smartphones have map apps that will give step by step directions.
dumars's Avatar
KC has ALWAYS been a bitch to drive around in! One way streets, intersections not marked, house numbers/motel rooms so small you can't see them or non existent. Case in point, get off I70 at the stadium and go North. Next intersection is US 40. Bet'cha can't find a sign that says US 40 or anything else. You have to assume or live in the area to know that otherwise you blow right through and you call or ask for directions. Giving an address on Shawnee Parkway, for example, is pretty much useless. You have to drive around looking for numbers, driving through strip malls, etc. Insane!

I've gone to motels plenty of times. I was given only the name. Had to look up the address on my own. I remember one where the lady didn't even know the address when I asked or any directions. Pure luck got me on time to her.

Kaylen asked if I had a GPS. She was shocked I didn't. Actually, I do on my iPhone 6 but can't really use it when I'm moving. A real, physical handicap prevents it. I guess I'm old tech in that regard, I depend on directions, maps, numbers. Stupid, old fashioned stuff. There is a compass that came with the phone. I've found use for that a few times.

Oh well, shit happens.
dumars's Avatar
Most smartphones have map apps that will give step by step directions. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Yep, but what happens when you reach an area under construction? Goes ape shit!

Best solution is to stay somewhere easy to find. Duh! Hotels around airport are generally for fly in guests. Ask yourself why they all have buses. When I fly into a large city I pick up my car rental at the hotel for a reason. Whole lot easier to get back to a hotel than finding one.

Flagstaff, AZ is a good example of small, easy to get around. Nashville, TN is the opposite. I rely on family to give me turn by turn directions. LA, Dallas, NYNY, Chicago, etc, just ain't gonna happen without taxis, buses, etc.
bikebryan's Avatar
KC has ALWAYS been a bitch to drive around in! One way streets, intersections not marked, house numbers/motel rooms so small you can't see them or non existent. Case in point, get off I70 at the stadium and go North. Next intersection is US 40. Bet'cha can't find a sign that says US 40 or anything else. You have to assume or live in the area to know that otherwise you blow right through and you call or ask for directions. Giving an address on Shawnee Parkway, for example, is pretty much useless. You have to drive around looking for numbers, driving through strip malls, etc. Insane!

I've gone to motels plenty of times. I was given only the name. Had to look up the address on my own. I remember one where the lady didn't even know the address when I asked or any directions. Pure luck got me on time to her.

Kaylen asked if I had a GPS. She was shocked I didn't. Actually, I do on my iPhone 6 but can't really use it when I'm moving. A real, physical handicap prevents it. I guess I'm old tech in that regard, I depend on directions, maps, numbers. Stupid, old fashioned stuff. There is a compass that came with the phone. I've found use for that a few times.

Oh well, shit happens. Originally Posted by dumars
KC is EASY compared to parts of Washington DC, or, even worse, Georgetown.
Can't navigate to airport hotels? KC is simple to get around compared to a lot of other cities.
Fastcar's Avatar
Go to 435 & Bannister. Look for the used condom,then dig straight down. You will find a tattered,yellowed map leading you to every hooker in town. Although the map is old,please ignore the stains on it....
malwoody's Avatar
KC is EASY compared to parts of Washington DC, or, even worse, Georgetown. Originally Posted by bikebryan
Im not mad at all.. I did tell you what exit to get off on and told you to make 2 rights when you get of exit ,and the street name. I don't know how to explain it better babe. I had other app. I could have taken but any way im not mad.
Dumars... why didnt you try to speak with Kaylen before posting this. Maybe a simple message or text privately explaining the circumstances. Not saying anything is wrong. But im sure she had let it go until she gets on here and read this. Lol! It's as if you want her to go off on you. Lmfao. What ever happened to discretion??
Dumars... why didnt you try to speak with Kaylen before posting this. Maybe a simple message or text privately explaining the circumstances. Not saying anything is wrong. But im sure she had let it go until she gets on here and read this. Lol! It's as if you want her to go off on you. Lmfao. What ever happened to discretion?? Originally Posted by Tempstress Tiff

I'm trying to figure out how Kaylen is in the wrong here. You made an appointment and your Google maps didn't lead you to the right place. You called her and she attempted to direct you. You told her to forget it. This is all on you.