
everybody ready to be on lockdown thru the summer lol.. I think best bet now is maybe Memorial Day... Can you imagine if we find out the Chinese purposely planted this hear. How did they recover so quick they have a lot of dense population spots too. the Financial im pact this is gonna have on our country is mind blowing stores likes sears Kmart jcpenny may never reopen there doors... movie theaters may be a thing of the past to a vaccine comes out.. billions and billions if it does not go into trillions of relief for airlines, smalll businesses and us..and the final straw for me would be if they canceled the NFL season. lol... god dam it trump if the Chinese did they make them pay
The chinese were literally welding people into their homes. It's easy to have an absolute crackdown and lockdown when you are a despotic dictatorship lol.

The US gov't bought the entirety of the bond market and is foraying into equity, all so the mega rich can stay rich. I think it's ironic how many people complain about socialism and gov't dominance of business and then applaud when it happens. They couldn't survive literally 48 hours of making less money. Not no money, less money, until demanding a bailout from the gov't. What a joke.
Trump is the Swamp
Don't look now.... But Herr Cuomo just made masks mandatory in NYS.... welcome to the nanny state of vanishing civil liberties.....

And if anyone missed it.... the do gooder tree hugging dems and their plastic bag ban??? Suspended because reusable bags carry germs....
No one thought of that until now????
Don't look now.... But Herr Cuomo just made masks mandatory in NYS.... welcome to the nanny state of vanishing civil liberties.....

And if anyone missed it.... the do gooder tree hugging dems and their plastic bag ban??? Suspended because reusable bags carry germs....
No one thought of that until now???? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
So I guess we should just be free balling right ? If your boy wasn't so busy telling everyone how great he was maybe this could've been thwarted in the beginning - no need for a response
no need for a response Originally Posted by Hotpoker
Because you are the final word on vanishing civil liberties??
Not sure who "my boy" is.... but I guess Cuomo is yours?

Too bad Client 9 isn't the guv anymore so we could get the hoorhouses open again.....
Trump is the Swamp Originally Posted by Streambed
Typical mindless garbage. Doesn’t even explain the relevancy to the thread, the pandemic, nothing. Just dropping an irrelevant comment. You should work for cnn. At least put down something with thoughts behind it
Keep that irrelevancy going! We can always count on you Paulie
You're welcome... I'm just here to help.... ask anyone....