Have you ever bump into or seen your provider on the outside accidentally?

Just curious about something that happened to me, I bummped into a provider I seen at a store. How do the ladies react when you see one of your clients? What do you say? Do you guys try not to make eye contact or try to communicate? It might be an awkward situation, especially if they or you are with family. Just wanted to see some of the responses?
The Queen Sophie's Avatar
I've seen a few clients out and about. If I know they saw me also, I just smile and wait for them to give the ok to say hi and wave them over,or just look the other way and carry on what I was doing.

On the times I've seen someone out at a bar I always give a hug and quietly say my (real name) and if I have to introduce them I always just say "this is my friend blah blah and let him go from there with the introduction so he can say whatever name he wants to use,and just continue small talk.

I have never run into anyone when they were with family.

I did however have a provider who I had no clue who she was come up to me in a bar where I was a super regular. The only reason I knew she was a provider was because she was screaming "Sophie! Sophie!" �� and waving at me, which of course, Sophie is not my real name...lol. I just had to ignore her and make up a story about how she must have me confused with someone else. ��
yes ... at the airport. Brief eye contact ... a secret giggle ... and went on with our current business. He was with SO.
berkleigh's Avatar

Yes, quite often over the years.

Mostly at the airport, the gentlemans club or Al Biernats LOL

I usually receive a sweet text or PM, but there has always been discretion.

mark77070's Avatar
Just once, in Costco. No, not the legendary one who worked across the street. This provider didn't enjoy the business, and didn't last very long in the business. She'd been gone from eccie for a while but now there she was, with one of those corduroy bags hanging around her neck with a tiny baby on board. I caught her eye and smiled, but she quickly looked away. I felt sad for her.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Ooooh Yesss....several times...always managed to skate through it...so far!
GayleMeyers's Avatar
I avoid contact. Since I don't know who might be with him that day, I think it is best to not approach someone outside the bounds of our little agreements ....
That said, a well known provider on HX one posted how some idiot had come up to her table at a crowded venue and said loudly," Hey aren't you so-and-so from HX?"
She was livid.

Discretion is a two way street, gentlemen ....
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-30-2022, 09:26 AM
I seen what appeared a SB/Hooker with a older Middle Eastern older guy yesterday popular steak house in Addison last night, she was young, tall a little thick and can hear their conversation, there was none! Besides very small talk. Trick wasted his $

When I first started tricking, I met a local hooker that I visited a few times, later found out was in some porn videos, saw her at the Giant Walmart and she nodded hello. I still laugh each time I pass by the property (which is on a main street)
corona's Avatar
Always always always be discreet. You never know who from their real world is around - just like they don't know who from your real world is around.

At most a nod or a smile, followed up later with a PM or other approved hobby contact method.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Discretion is Key....

Thankfully, the only time someone wasn't discreet-- I have the ability to blame things on camming as I'm very open about that aspect of my life.

Nothing too crazy-- but man, I've heard some wild stories over the years!
herkybird's Avatar
Bumped into a provider at the gym, we laughed and said hello. We were chatting when 2 other young guys walked up and said hello as well! She was quite popular at the time, lol.
It happens. I may nod or smile at her. but that's it. If she wants to talk, i let her approach. Its always iffy as neither knows who is alone or not. If I have her number, I may text her and ask if its ok to say hi. It happens far more often with dancers I know that happen to live in my area
DownForWhatever's Avatar
How about this one:

A provider and her husband show up at my front door.

I played guitar with a guy a couple of times and told him about my vacation rental near the beach. So, he rented it.

I was staying at my other property....nearby...and he asked if I wanted to jam for a little bit....SURE.

...doorbell rings...I open it...and my jaw drops. With him is his wife...a provider who I have been with several times.

Small World.
Has happened to me at Winstar...actually worked out quite well
Pangolier's Avatar
Just curious about something that happened to me, I bummped into a provider I seen at a store. How do the ladies react when you see one of your clients? What do you say? Do you guys try not to make eye contact or try to communicate? It might be an awkward situation, especially if they or you are with family. Just wanted to see some of the responses? Originally Posted by Stiff_Pete

Yeah, but in this case both she and I knew there was a significant likelihood of encountering each other at a specific time during certain times of day. It's never really happened "impromptu" except with that one girl. Think about it... your neighbors and colleagues, how often do you see them at the grocery store? Maybe once a year? Unless you are hanging around a place for a long period of time that is heavily frequented by other people, it's not likely to happen except if you live in a small town. Big city there's too many people and you may not even notice each other in a large crowd.