I know

there is more than one or two Memphis guys here now. And am glad of it!

Fess up and speak up. Me, Bliss, Sarah, Amber, Tammy & Gloria are here. Megan, Lea, Dallas, London and, as you guys see, oodles and oodles of others who would come to TN..if they thought the client base was active.

You boys have your own locker room (does it smell like socks?) that's not as public as other forums; as well as a co-ed, an overall good community with lots of discussion, easy format, most of you Mphs and TN guys already know of each other, so there should be built-in trust with each other (to a point). There is a f-ton of regional and national info here. We're just lacking local.
willro's Avatar
I'm not a Memphis guy, but I make it over from time to time. It's less than an hour from where I live in northeast Arkansas. Sometimes the Memphis ladies are kind enough to find their way over here too.
London Rayne's Avatar
Heading back to Memphis this month, and did incredible in Nashville so somebody is paying attention lol. If I don't do well in an area I don't go back...hmmm have been to TN about 10 times in the past 4 months, so TN men ROCK!
DallasRain's Avatar
Yes I do quite well in Nashville/Cattanooga/and Mempis....see yall in Oct!!!

I love yall TN guys{and the gals mentioned above are sexy as hell!!}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Good point about the ladies Dallas, but more importantly I don't encounter all the drama and bs associated with my local area from the women of TN. 99 percent of the time I never wait more than a couple hours for a reference, and that says it all. I am taking 10 days off to recover lol.
tammy4u's Avatar
I love the Memphis guys!!! Just wish you would support some of the local ladies, I miss alot of my friends........ Unfortunately I am not able to travel due to obligations here, all I want to stress is don't forget your local lady friends!!!!

SlowHand49's Avatar
Present, sometimes accounted for . . . Just working way too much, weird hours, it's getting in the way of my play time . . . Firm believer in supporting local treasures . . .
So we all love them, that's definitely agreed upon. Now if we could just find them....
im here and looking. Could use a little right now.
Oh honey you and me both
London Rayne's Avatar
So we all love them, that's definitely agreed upon. Now if we could just find them....
Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
With the exception of ONE sweet, newbie I booked from this board, my entire Memphis trip was booked from TBD and e.com...always seems to be that way with TN.

I have noticed from reviews many guys on certain boards are not willing to go above a certain rate scale and that's their choice of course, but it is certainly a guide as to who gets business where lol. It's pretty sad when BP out books a reputable national board in their willingness to pay above the $$$ mark lol. And before I get creamed for daring to mention rates, it is in fact a BIG FACTOR to why some ladies are not reviewed heavily on certain boards...but are on others.

I say we pull some of those boys over here to play as well...why keep it all in one place when us girls are everywhere?
I've been out of the loop a bit, and only get to see a few ladies a year. I am trying to work out some time to add a few of you to my dance card in the near future though.
DallasRain's Avatar
lots of sexy reputables ladies around!!Have fun!!
big boi terry's Avatar
I'm a Memphis guy! Sometimes the talent that comes through makes it hard for a guy to decide, me, if I could, I would just do em all LOL! Local and traveling.
I'm a Memphis guy! Sometimes the talent that comes through makes it hard for a guy to decide, me, if I could, I would just do em all LOL! Local and traveling. Originally Posted by big boi terry