Favorite Actor or Actress of All Time

SweetKimberly's Avatar
Hello Everyone! Who is YOUR favorite? I can't pick just one.

My top FAVS in no particular order:

Gregory Peck
Robert Mitchum
Alan Alda
Jack Nicholson

Audry Hepburn
Elizabeth Taylor
Rita Hayworth
Julia Roberts

Carroll O'Connor
Alan Alda

Lucille Ball
Betty White
sixxbach's Avatar
Favorite Actors:

Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Sylvester Stallone
Denzel Washington
Samuel Jackson

Favorite Actresses:
Julia Roberts
Jennifer Lopez
Jodie Foster
Renee Zewelgerr

TV: Actor

George Jefferson
Archie Bunker
Bill Cosby
John Goodman
David Canary

Rebecca Buddig
Susan Lucci
Eva Longoria
Julia Louis-Dreyfuss
Hey Sixx........I had no clue Sylvestor Stallone was an "actor".I give my vote to Tom Hanks and Jack Nicholson
sixxbach's Avatar
hahaha well i love the rocky movies....

i dont know how i left out tom and jack... but they rule too
Jack Nicholson
Humphrey Bogart
Paul Newman
John Wayne
Al Pachino
Robert De Niro

Linda Lovelace
Aunt Peg
Wait you meant mainstream......!!!
gman44's Avatar
Robert DeNiro
Will Smith
Tommy Lee Jones
Harrison Ford
Sean Connery
Seann Willam Scott
Jack Nicholson
Nicolas Cage
John Travolta
Matt Damon
Ben Affleck
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sylvester Stallone
Steven Seagal
Jim Carrey
Adam Sandler
Rob Schneider
Mike Myers
Robin Williams
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I see we have a AMC fan here.....

Johnny Depp
  • gpsss
  • 05-19-2010, 08:13 PM
Favorite Actor: Vincent Gallo
Favorite Actress: Kate Winslet, who I have an enormous crush on.
sixxbach's Avatar
Favorite Actor: Vincent Gallo
Favorite Actress: Kate Winslet, who I have an enormous crush on. Originally Posted by gpsss
she was hot in that movie where she was having that affair... little slut puppy she was
  • gpsss
  • 05-19-2010, 08:36 PM
Yes, I think you're referring to "The Reader", maybe? One of the most depressing movies I've ever seen but there was some great scenes with her. She was good in "Revolution Road" as well. I really like her body. The accent is an added bonus as well.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
So many categories... I like actors/actresses with range; who can go from kicking ass, to making me laugh.

Action: Bruce Willis
Old-School: Deniro/Eastwood
All-Around: George Clooney

Actress: Sigourney Weaver

Honorable Mentions

Brad Pitt - I have to admit, he's been in allot of movies that I like: Snatch, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, True Romance, Seven, Inglorious Basturds, Burn After Reading.

Kevin Spacey - Kyser Soze... need I say more? Unfortunately, to me, he always comes off as playing the same kind of subtle asshole. He plays it well, but he pretty much plays the same role each time: Usual Suspects, American Beauty, Swimming With Sharks, Big Kahuna, Seven, LA Confidential, Men Who Stare At Goats, A Time To Kill.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 05-20-2010, 12:19 PM
Angelina Jolie just turns my crank all the way; I'm a boring vanilla guy, but looking at her I'm thinking really impure thoughts.
missi hart's Avatar
i think billy bob thornton, though he is for sure weird in his personal life and "out there", is a truly amazing actor. i don't know if i've ever seen him in a bad role. just "slingblade" alone which i believe he wrote and directed in addition to starring in, was a great acting job.
Dick Diamond's Avatar
Clint Eastwood
Sarahsmiles's Avatar

Christopher Walken
Seth Rogan (funny guy)
Christian Slater
Nicholas Cage
Brad Pitt (yummy!)
Adam Sandler
Mike Myers
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jack Nicholson
Samuel Jackson
John Travolta


Angelina Jolie (I ADORE her...she's gorgeous, kind, weird in a sexy, bad girl way...and I like it! Oh, and she does her own stunts and KICKS ASS!)
Meg Ryan
Sandra Bullock
Diane Keaton
Reese Witherspoon
Kate Hudson
Patricia Arquette
Goldie Hawn

And many more!