Traveling ladies before you go to some states you should know US Federal and State Prostitution Laws and Related Punishments

US Federal and State Prostitution Laws and Related Punishments

Some states dont play and you could face up to a year in prison! depending on your sentance terms you can find yourself out of work YIKES!
Looks like Tx has some of the worst punishments. Always thought it was kinda just accepted like in the musical Best Little House Whorehouse of Texas.
Thanks for posting this!
DallasRain's Avatar
ladies stay & play safe!!
Your welcome... they do make it seem on Tv like you just spend a few hours in lock up and they let you go. Not really the case now a days I guess.
Thanks this was very helpful.
Thanks for posting this.
  • MLG
  • 01-19-2011, 04:28 PM
Thanks for posting this girl!
Thanks for keeping us inform. Have a nice day
This is the BEST post I have seen yet. Way to go CC
Looks like Tx has some of the worst punishments. Always thought it was kinda just accepted like in the musical Best Little House Whorehouse of Texas. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
I was once nabbed by an undercover vice cop (she did not look like a cop) back in 94....

In Houston what they have done to slow down the SW action is they will hassle the SW's, then the johns, then they will start "inspecting" the motels they work out of for electrical, plumbing, etc... and oddly enough all seem to FAIL.
BeSt PoSt sOO HeLpFuL!
US Federal and State Prostitution Laws and Related Punishments

Some states dont play and you could face up to a year in prison! depending on your sentance terms you can find yourself out of work YIKES! Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
maybe that is a stupid question, but how do you declare your taxes when you tour over state lines? PM also welcome....
ha NYC seems to be great :-) but anyway. if you declare taxes as an entertainer and every happening other than the meeting per se is between consenting adults why would they be able to bust you on prostitution if you do not declare sex for money? I never understood that system
Thanks for posting this I created a link to it on my blog.