As I was scrapping the ice off my windshield this morning....

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I was wondering if there was anyone left who still buys into man made Global Warming.
boardman's Avatar
I've got stock in a green energy Co. that I'm looking to, sell!
I would imagine the Inuit and the polar bears would agree that their world is getting warmer. Both of them depend on hunting seals on the arctic ice pack which has melted in the last decade. They have lost their hunting grounds, ie the ice pack. Polar bears are moving inland. Several HUGE hybrid POLAR-GRIZZLIE bears have been shot in recent years by arctic hunters, and subsequently identified by animal scientists using DNA, as an hybrid which may become a new subspecies.

As the arctic ice pack melted, it created an increase in ocean water volume. Since ice is more dense than liquid, the liquid occupies more space. Imperically: The volume of ice pack melt has caused some localized coastal flooding, and affected the Arctic ocean currents. Oceanic buoys have recorded increasing volumes and velocities of arctic waters flowing into the North Sea and Bering Sea, and between NA and Greenland.

This increased flow of cold water is displacing the Gulf Stream warm water currents southward, which affects the meteorology of the North Hemisphere, causing colder weather on land.

Ironic, isn't it, that global warming causing the ice packs to melt has set in motion ecological changes that produce colder weather on land?

By the way, the margin of global warming causing these melts is less than 10d.F. It amounts to an imbalance in the temperature of the ecology. These relatively sudden temperature increases (in the last 100 years) are causing the present sudden changes in the ice packs and glaciers of the last decade.

Similar melts of the Antarctic Glaciers and the Greenland Glaciers are being recorded by space photos of those continents (Greenland being such a huge island is virtually a continent). These photos are readily available on the internet from NASA.

The Arctic Ice Pack has melted significantly, although not completely yet. The complete melt is projected to occur within the century however, and perhaps by 2050. But it has melted sufficiently that ships are able to pass through the Arctic Ocean for the first time in history without benefit of an icebreaker. British Captain Hudson looking for this NW passage got lost and perished in the great inland sea that bears his name -- Hudson Bay.

Yes, earth has undergone frequent variations in temperature: the ice age of 40,000 years ago; the mini-Ice Age of the 18th and 19th century. But core samples of the glaciers indicate that these changes occurred in the course of centuries, not a decade, except in the case of Krakatoa, the volcano whose eruption caused a year without a summer. How similar that sudden event was in its effect to the more gradual change brought about by man's incessant and increasing burning of fossil fuels in the 100 years.

The meteor that crashed into Siberia in the early 1900's caused atmospheric contamination on a global scale. Debris from these eruptions, and now from burning fossil fuels and the rain forests, is being carried around the world by jet stream winds. These Siberian explosion caused a similar disruption of the weather patterns, which has been attributed as the cause of the increase of glacier melt, and number of icebergs calved to flow into the North Atlantic -- one of which sank the Titanic.

How similar those sudden events were in their effects to the effects being cause by the more gradual changes brought about by man's incessant and increasing burning of fossil fuels in the 100 years.

Do I believe in global warming? You bet!

Am I concerned about a little frost in Houston in January? Hardly.

My memories of Houston date to 1954. I recall especially that in the 60's we would get our worst weather in February -- every year for a decade of more. Ice storms. Snow storms. But mostly ice storms would invade Houston the week of the Rodeo. It has been warmer in the 90's and 2000's so far. But remember Christmas 1984-new Years 1984 and January?

Remember 1989's ice storm? Remember the Christmas snow two or three years ago?

If anything we have gotten off lightly (warmly) in recent years.

This years colder weather is more like the Houston we old timers grew up in.
A little frost? Give me a break. Put on a sweater, pussy.

What global warming will cause is an increase in sea levels and flooding of lowland coastal areas. Ask anyone in Baytown about the Brownwood Subdivision, and they will tell you what rising waters will do, whether from increasing tides (sea level) or subsidence. Much of Florida will be inundated as sea levels increase 2-10 feet in the next century. What will that mean for Galveston, for example? HMMM.

Bury your head in the sand. When you come up for air, you may find yourself in a different world. Stay down there long enough and you may drown or freeze to death due to global warming.

I am no fan of Al Gore. But he is on track with this one.

DL let me know if you find scraping off ice in August then I might reconsider.
By then other effects will be so evident that you will not need reminding, much less convincing.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And now the rest of the story

Doomed Polar Bear? Another Global Warming Hoax Exposed

Polar bears in danger? Is this some kind of joke?
James Delingpole
Times Online
November 12, 2007

Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? Because their paws are too big to get the wrappers off, obviously. It’s not a joke you hear so often these days, though, because polar bears are now a serious business. They’re the standard-bearers of a tear-jerking propaganda campaign to persuade us all that, if we don’t act soon on climate change, the only thing that will remain of our snowy-furred ursine chums will be the picture on a pack of Fox’s glacier mints.

First there came the computer-generated polar bear in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth; then that heartrending photo, syndicated everywhere, of the bears apparently stranded on a melting ice floe; then the story of those four polar bears drowned by global warming (actually, they’d perished in a storm).

Now, in a new cinema release called Earth – a magnificent, feature-length nature documentary from the makers of the BBC’s Planet Earth series – comes the most sob-inducing “evidence” of all: a poor male polar bear filmed starving to death as a result, the quaveringly emotional Patrick Stewart voiceover suggests, of global warming.

Never mind that what actually happens is that the bear stupidly has a go at a colony of walruses and ends up being gored to death.

The bear wouldn’t have done it, the film argues, if he hadn’t been so hungry and exhausted. And why was he hungry and exhausted? Because the polar ice caps are melting, thus shortening the polar bears’ seal-hunting season.

Having been up to the bears’ habitat in Svalbard, I do have a certain amount of sympathy with these concerns. To claim, however, that they are facing imminent doom is stretching the truth. In 1950, let us not forget, there were about 5,000 polar bears. Now there are 25,000.

No wonder Greenpeace had trouble getting polar bears placed on the endangered species list. A fivefold population increase isn’t exactly a catastrophic decline.

But never let the facts get in the way of a good story. The doom-mongers certainly won’t. Despite evidence from organisations such as the US National Biological Service that in most places polar bear populations are either stable or increasing, Ursus maritimus will continue to top the eco-hysterics’ list of animals in danger because it’s so fluffy and white and photogenic.

If you’re really that worried about their demise, I’d book yourself a ticket to Churchill, Manitoba, where the evil buggers (about the only creature, incidentally, that actively preys on humans) are so rife they’re almost vermin.

And if things get really bad, we can always ship the survivors off to Antarctica where, unlike the North Pole, the ice shelf appears to be growing. Then the joke would be even less comprehensible. Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? But they do, actually!
I was wondering if there was anyone left who still buys into man made Global Warming. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Perhaps you were actually "scraping off" "man made Global" Cooling!
  • Booth
  • 01-13-2010, 08:03 AM
I was wondering if there was anyone left who still buys into man made Global Warming. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yep. Originally Posted by Booth
You have the excuse The Lama. He gets lonely in the Penthouse Suite of the local Palace Inn!
double post
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Save The Krill!
Very educational!

I was wondering did that make you feel better about freezing your ass off this morning!!lol
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Save The Krill! Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

.........the krill is gone.
boardman's Avatar
Cow farts, Now that is something I can believe in. We all need to eat more beef.
GneissGuy's Avatar
What we really need to do is free the mitochondria. For too long, the eukaryotes have enslaved the prokaryotes. If we freed the mitochondria, it would greatly reduce the burning of fossil fuels.

I'm sure some people will claim that the mitochondria are no longer capable of making it on their own, but do we really know that if we don't try? Perhaps we owe it to them to help out so they could live on their own.