addressing negative...

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
hey everyone
first off i wanna start off saying EVERYONE is intitled to their own opinion and i dont ever take it personally, if anything i love constructive criticism
lets get something straight, two years ago when i came to waco there was one main bitch and she was straight robbing everyone
didnt one person i ever talked to know shit about eccie
instead of looking at this place like trash i saw the potential treasure it has and still to this day continues to bless my life with.
every client i saw id inform and introduce to this site and over the past two years ive watched the activity expand since then. i dont credit it all to me but i took time out to help yall have a good clean fun experience when i couldve chose to pass it up like everyone else.

but i love this small town feel and making sure regulars know whats real and whats not whether the time and money is spent with me i could care less.

my main reason for ranting as if anyone could care.... is my last few recent reviews feedback. this is one person out of many i see on a daily (and im sure there will be some fabulous comments to that one response.)

my most recent waco/killeen/bcs review was someone who obviously isnt an active most experienced member but hey you got to start somewhere and id be more than glad to give him a positive reference anyday!

yall have no idea the info he gave me could help me get back on my feet based off his experience of expertise and i greatly appreciate him and am so glad he had a positive fun time.

so i dont quite understand the comments he got on it and im not offended but i dont understand the suspicion?

you know eccie is an amazing tool for what we all do but come the fuck on yall, its already hard enough being a newbie but why is someone like me,

lets see ive got 4 negative out of 57 recorded two not accounted for which makes 4/59 bad reviews damn those are some mighty fuckin fine odds and i can almost bet the other 55/59 were ALL repeat clients

so wtf is suspicious of a good review?

everyone is more than welcome to disagree on his recommendation all day every day im not hating at all!

but his experience with me was seen through his eyes and he opened up to yall trying to get a start at this whole legitimite procedure.

rant done and back to having fun