It's, like, totally disgusting, I'm like so sure, It's like Barf me out, Gag me with a spoon! Gross! I am sure! Totally!

CG2014's Avatar

What the fuck?

Are they like fleas and ticks?

Whenever I go outside, I keep my walking limited to onto any surface pavement that's cemented.

Exit home ---> get into a car ---> get to my destination ---> enter a building (restaurant, grocery store, retail store, mall, night club, movie theater) ---> do what I need to do ---> then get into the car again ---> come home.

The little parasites are barely visible to the eye, roaming soil surfaces or dense long grass in places you want to be in warm weather — ballparks, picnic areas, hiking trails, summer camps, parks and playgrounds.

I don't go to any of those places!

Who the fuck still picnic? It's too hot and you will get pests (flies, ants) on your food if the food hasn't spoiled already being in the stifling heat.

I also have no pets that can bring pests back.

I don't do any yard work like mowing the lawn.

Still, this news story sure is disgusting.

Makes you want to lock yourself at home and never step outside.

p.s. for y'all youngins who weren't around in 1982, this is where the title of this thread is from:

Oh I miss the 80's.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Fucking chiggers. Have had 2 episodes in my life where I wanted to cut my legs off at the ankles. Took my daughter out one day to fly a kite. Walked thru a field and spent 1 hr.

The next morning both of our ankles were eaten up. The itch was awful, but it felt so good to scratch.

Another time in college, went on a Geology trip and those of us who wore jeans with socks and boots/shoes became the victims of man eating chiggers. Those who wore shorts, and sandals, didn't.

Damn things got under the pant leg and in the boot/sock line.

It looked like we all had PD ankle bracelets around our ankles. perfect circle of itchy bites. Our Geology professor rubbed Acetone on it to kill em.
CG2014's Avatar

More reason to keep my feet on cement pavement.