Lately i've been getting unexpeccted service. Most of the providers I've visited have been well established ladies with impecable reputation, and I've got great service out of these ladies, but these past months I've tried to go the opposite direction, to see utr or not known providers. I got to tell you guys, these last five ladies I've seen not only gave me exellent service but something really unexpeccted. Some ladies after I had rang twice and had time left, offered me Greek at no charge and of course I couldn't say no,so I had to get on the boat and take a trip. A couple of these ladies also offered me Greek on the second bell,even though we hadn't disscused traveling to the Isles before the sesion began, all for their normal fee with no drama or upcharge. One of them kept succioning on Mr. Johnson until the very end trying to milk me one last time even though time had expired. Maybe it's just me, but traveling to Grecce it's my biggest fetish. Maybe I'm a roll, but these ladies have a costumer that's going back to get more and more of their services.
Now my input is this, why don't established providers throw us guys a bone, something extra besides the agreed services, so that we don't hesitate to go back for more? I have got great services from established poviders, but I've felt that after the end of the agreed services, they have tried to end the appoinment or just showed no interest. Can I get some input from guys and the ladies?