frozen Mitch McConnell

VitaMan's Avatar
That was far out.
winn dixie's Avatar
Possible tia? My prayers go out to him and his family
  • Tiny
  • 07-27-2023, 09:12 PM
Possible tia? My prayers go out to him and his family Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yes, that's as good a guess as any. I watched a little MSNBC this evening, and even the pundits there were expressing compassion for the great man. Good for them.
ICU 812's Avatar
Compassion and sympathy to Mr. McConnel and anyone else fading in health. We all know of someone.

His recent event and the ongoing public decline of Senator Feinstein merely underscore the need for an age dependent limit to public service. President Reagan was noticeably affected in his administrative ability during his second term by cognitive` decline. There was significant uproar over it.

Perhaps the 25th amendment should be altered to automatically kick in after an office holder at the nationasl level reaches some upper age limit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just before the land of the covid, I remodeled my kitchen and built a good sized pantry that was sorely needed. Now, some 3 years later, I've come to know of a problem from that brilliant idea - shelf life.

The pantry holds well over 550 items, much like all of the Legislative branch of the Feral government. I always try to ensure that any new item is placed in the back, behind the older items. But every now and again, I have to go through the items and use or purge some of them before they go bad, aka expire, albeit a bit late sometimes.

Surprising to learn that many canned goods do in fact have an expiration date and alas, sometime I catch them in time to use or donate them, but sometimes it's off to the landfill or compost pile with them. Same for Congress, some things just exist beyond their shelf-life. They become unsafe and un-usefull and have to go. McConnel is one, but there are others. Feinstein comes to mind. Certainly, Slo-Joe should land in the compost pile as well.
Why no call from the Republicans for mitch to retire because of his age, Joe trips and that's all you read about his age.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Why no call from the Republicans for mitch to retire because of his age, Joe trips and that's all you read about his age. Originally Posted by Hdtown
Because like their rivals they are hypocrites. There are lots that need to go. Having said that I don’t wish illness on anyone
  • Tiny
  • 07-28-2023, 10:09 AM
Just before the land of the covid, I remodeled my kitchen and built a good sized pantry that was sorely needed. Now, some 3 years later, I've come to know of a problem from that brilliant idea - shelf life.

The pantry holds well over 550 items, much like all of the Legislative branch of the Feral government. I always try to ensure that any new item is placed in the back, behind the older items. But every now and again, I have to go through the items and use or purge some of them before they go bad, aka expire, albeit a bit late sometimes.

Surprising to learn that many canned goods do in fact have an expiration date and alas, sometime I catch them in time to use or donate them, but sometimes it's off to the landfill or compost pile with them. Same for Congress, some things just exist beyond their shelf-life. They become unsafe and un-usefull and have to go. McConnel is one, but there are others. Feinstein comes to mind. Certainly, Slo-Joe should land in the compost pile as well. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nikki Haley proposed a mandatory competency test for politicians older than 75 years old. That might be a good idea.
  • Tiny
  • 07-28-2023, 10:11 AM
Why no call from the Republicans for mitch to retire because of his age, Joe trips and that's all you read about his age. Originally Posted by Hdtown
Dianne Feinstein isn't exactly rushing for the exits. It's too early to tell about McConnell. From his performance over the last year he appears to still be on top of things, and a good majority leader. He doesn't slip up and lapse into incoherency like Biden at times.

My big problem with Biden's age is that he's too easily led by the Progressives in his administration. If he were 20 years younger he'd be a better, more unifying, more moderate President.
Nikki Haley proposed a mandatory competency test for politicians older than 75 years old. That might be a good idea. Originally Posted by Tiny
It should be younger than that.
ICU 812's Avatar
Sen McConnel seems to have had a transient eschemic attack.

President NBiden has had two brain surgeries for bleeding strokes.

Sen Feinstein can't vote without an aid whispering in her ear.

VP Harris can't speak in sentences that make sense.

I am in favor of an upper-age term limit for service in all branches of government, Executive, Legislative and Judicial. We can argue over whether it is 80, 75 or 60. Airlines o it.

That may take a constitutional amendment. . .perhaps severl.
VitaMan's Avatar
Then why not just have term limits, like it is for President. You would never get an agreement on age.
They say age is just a number, right ?
Then why not just have term limits, like it is for President. You would never get an agreement on age.
They say age is just a number, right ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Age was definitely just a number for Jack LaLanne . in 1984 at the age of 70 the guy tows 70 boats across a Harbor doing the breast stroke. I think he should be the Gold Standard for Government Officials of any age.

My big problem with Biden's age is that he's too easily led by the Progressives in his administration. If he were 20 years younger he'd be a better, more unifying, more moderate President. Originally Posted by Tiny
... Oh yes... He'd be much better...

... And his good mate Mitch McConnell has surely
been FROZEN a long time... Frozen with FEAR...

#### Salty