How do you find whistling vagina?

What do you think - can it be real?

Do you think is real?
Still Looking's Avatar
Looks like the ass not the kitty!
pickupkid's Avatar
tia travels's Avatar
I think it's some guy with his mouth next to a microphone out of view. It's probably possible for a va-jay-jay to whistle now and then (perhaps by accident), but continuously and at a high and strong volume as such? I'm skeptical. LOL
WTF! If any of you believe that her ass or her pussy is really doing that you are a fucking idiot!
Still Looking's Avatar
Hey if guys can talk out their asses why wouldn't girls be able to whistle? Now yodeling I don't believe!
burkalini's Avatar
pffft. Is that a whistle? If it is I know about 20 providers than can whistle their pussy off