obamacare...more to it..

just read this whatcha all think....

Obama Admin. Ignores Nullification: Federal Agents Will Enforce ObamaCare
Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

President Obama will not wait on states to enforce ObamaCare. The Obama administration has announced its intent to disregard state laws and state constitutional amendments prohibiting the enforcement of ObamaCare. Federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over states’ health insurance industry and regulation in states that refuse to comply with the federal healthcare mandates.

In an exclusive telephone interview with The New American, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak reported that the his office has received a letter from Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) Deputy Administrator and Director Gary Cohen informing him that the federal government will impose ObamaCare regulations on insurance companies in Oklahoma. The CCIIO is part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

read more....
The whole country is in a downward spiral! I wonder if this is why the federal government is buying soooooo much ammunition and non-military calibers! They might have to enforce "their' new laws.

just read this whatcha all think....
Originally Posted by anita germane

Hey Nita,

doove will have the answer for you.
love to hear it..its an open discussion so..i dont mind reading the responses..
Sinfinity's Avatar
I posted something, then thought better of it.
I'll leave the politics aside and concentrate on the fun.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I hurt myself Sunday night; there was no way I was going to a doc right then. The worst part of the injury was the moment I realized I had to have someone look at it. Then I was afraid. Not for my health, but for my wallet.

State's rights are long gone anyhow. Their disappearance is key to our demise. I'd far rather have socialized medicine than mandated insurance. But we let it go on automobiles, it's coming for health, and there's more down the road. Mandatory life insurance with Uncle Sam as the sole beneficiary.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-26-2013, 02:42 PM
just read this whatcha all think.... Originally Posted by anita germane
I doubt you wanna know what i truly think, but what i'll say is this.

Let me just change a couple of the words in the portion of the article you posted and we'll see where that takes us.

Obama Admin. Ignores Nullification: Federal Agents Will Enforce The Civil Rights Act
Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

President Obama will not wait on states to enforce The Civil Rights Act. The Obama administration has announced its intent to disregard state laws and state constitutional amendments prohibiting the enforcement of The Civil Rights Act. Federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services will assume absolute control over states and enforce the regulations in states that refuse to comply with the federal mandates in the Civil Rights Act.

In an exclusive telephone interview with The New American, Oklahoma dipshit John Doak reported that his office has received a letter from Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) Deputy Administrator and Director Gary Cohen informing him that the federal government will impose The Civil Rights Act regulations on Oklahoma.

A commenter on the page you linked to says it well:

According to the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, clause 2) of the United States Constitution,

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

As the Supreme Court stated in Altria Group v. Good, 555 U.S. 70 (2008), a federal law that conflicts with a state law will trump, or "preempt", that state law:

Consistent with that command, we have long recognized that state laws that conflict with federal law are “without effect.” Maryland v. Louisiana, 451 U. S. 725, 746 (1981)

So, do i really need to tell you what i think?
healthcare meets the dmv and post office........................ .....priceless, this gonna be fun
Just like Arizona didn't wait for Obama and the federal government to enforce the national laws we have to protect this country. Can't we all just get along???????????

Here's a question to remember in two years. Compare our monthly health care rates in 2015 to 2009. My guess it will be a huge increase. And my guess is we will have poorer health care.
the best parts gonna be when they get all the gov employees,, receptionists, aids, doctors etc,
and all the competion is gone

so they have guaranteed job security,

JUST like the DMV ... so youll enjoy that same condescending attitude when you feel like shit... hehehe yeeeee hooooo !

just think when you get there and dont have ALL the proper paperwork

and you all think its going to be smoother..... hahaha yayayayayayahahahhahahha...can t wait

gimmi gimmi heawth cware ....gymmiie gymmie... I cawnt tauwk cware of mwyy self
Our healthcare mess is killing us. "Just say no" to Obamacare (which is at least an imperfect attempt to a solution) without offering any constructive alternative is not an answer.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Our healthcare mess is killing us. "Just say no" to Obamacare (which is at least an imperfect attempt to a solution) without offering any constructive alternative is not an answer. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Goddamn straight.

One aspect that has to be addressed is the extremely delusional over-emphasis on education. Education is important for everyone, but the idea that everyone deserves or needs one is wrong, at least a formal one. And it considerably over-priced. this is a factor in health care, Little Joey that made good on coming from the ghetto to become a doc is behind the 8-ball straight out of the box with education loans.

Part of that university high cost takes us to sports. Why? To pay football and basketball coaches millions, to, in the case of the intolerably bullshit Boeheim, and many like him, contribute a pathetic graduation rate. This carries into the pros, where miscreants are paid millions and are well cared for health wise (fuck off junior Seau you knew what you were into) yet there just isn't enough money to care for everyone, we have to rebuild Drew Brees' knee so he can help the NFLPA strike for more money.

These universities mis-spend a huge amount of their money. In Colorado last summer, they spent $25k on a movie theatre shooting spree. I know of a UB employee who gets full family health care from the hubby while the wife pulls six figures in pharma. Oh sweet irony! It seems like that shouldn't be wrong but the same university, while looking at admissions, will deny tuition assistance to well off parents. Maybe they could ask them to pay a little premium for health care?

Its an incomplete rant, but I can't go on, there's too much, my point is that it is pervasive. Constructive solution, I say we need some destructive analysis. Tear some shit apart and rebuild. We're smart enough.

I will say the doctors of the world need to step up. If they are benevolent, they couldn't be okay with a system that has them provide care and then let some douchebag in a cubicle thousands of miles away determine if that care was necessary and to what extent. Grab Drew Brees and make a stand for decency.

The problem is health insurance, but the need is health care. My constructive solution is to cease the insurance and provide the care.
DDarkness's Avatar
HERE WE GO!!!!!! I Love You Anita!

Folks lets be honest shall we. Although he had some serious issues it was NIXON, that's right, Richard M. Nixon who was one of the first presidential leaders to support NATIONAL Health Care for OUR Country ... Back in 1969

at the time of "passage" ,

lets not forget, crammed through the senate in the middle of the night , wasnt it xmas eve , or something?

the national polls were at 75% of the PEOPLE ,,, AGAINST passing this version..


even the LOWEST educated person , if they had a shred of dignity and credibility would admit it wasnt gone about in the correct manner

if your gonna follow 25% of the people down the road to ruin your just an idiot' ..sorry
I know, I KNOW doove

"this wasnt the first time politicians had to use that tactic to pass legislation"...

cue in 5..4..3...2.... la la la blah