Setting upstate ny as a default?

Is it possible to set Eccie's upstate ny as the defacto landing page when I go to eccie?

It's not much work and silly but I find it annoying that I have to scroll way down the landing page to get where I want to go.
Plastic Man's Avatar
uh ever hear ...of a favorites button
Though it seriously pains me to agree with PM, he does have a valid point.
I have UpState saved in my bookmarks for easy access to my area.
However, some may not be able to do the same due to family/wife. So Jester does have a good question
Is it possible to set Eccie's upstate ny as the defacto landing page when I go to eccie? Originally Posted by XJesterX
Though it seriously pains me to agree with PM, he does have a valid point.
However, some may not be able to do the same due to family/wife. So Jester does have a good question Originally Posted by Angel T
Set your favorites to Vermont or Toronto if you don't want your SO to see any activity.... IGGY's A/HV forum is also a good landing place.....

Mods -- please move to the ATS forum and the ATSH's will take care of this for ya.....
Alchemist2u's Avatar
A simple way to do this is to place the words 'eccie upstate' into the search block in your browser (upper right' in Firefox or on the url line in Chrome). Works for me.