Fake reviews from non provider

VioletaLaCrema's Avatar
Hello mods I am having a big issue on pursuing my career as a provider due to a bitter person who has taken the time to write terrible untrue reviews about myself. All of the accounts in which she took the time to create fake personas has left me with a sad excuse of reviews. Please help me I have been reaching out now for over 2 months to have this resolved. I have contacted(staff edit; ztonk) Z. Which directed me too posting this thread.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-10-2016, 06:59 PM
I'm not sure why you feel handling this publicly will be better for you, but as you wish...

As I told you privately, this is the guideline applicable in this situation:

#24 - Disputed reviews will not be removed by staff unless the request is made by the thread starter. In situations such as this, the proper protocol for addressing a review in question is to post a rebuttal to the review in that city forum's coed discussions area. Staff will be happy to do some basic investigation to confirm the validity of such reviews, however removal will only take place when requested by the thread-starter or in extreme cases where it has been proven false, there is an admission by the reviewer that the review is indeed false, or the reviewer failed to cooperate with staff's efforts to confirm validity. In cases where a reviewer is found to have posted a review of a session which did not take place, or posted blatantly false information within a review, the reviewer will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of staff, which could lead to loss of posting privileges. Along those same lines, if the reviewed party is found to be making false or inaccurate claims to staff in an attempt to trigger staff action against a reviewer or the removal of a review, that party will also be subject to consequences, up to or including temporary or permanent loss of account access. These measures exist to preserve the integrity of the information posted in our review forums, and will be taken when these circumstances exist.
Just because reviewers have given you a NO recommendation doesn't necessarily mean they wrote "terrible untrue reviews". What makes you think they are "terrible" and "untrue"?

The moderating staff was not there, so we don't know what happened behind closed doors (BCD). Unless there is some proof you can offer, these disputes end up being "he said/she said" and the reviews stand.

VioletaLaCrema's Avatar
But these are not valid. I am taking the steps that you asked of me by posting a thread in the co ed section. Now if you the mods took the time to look into these reviews they are not at all real. It's not because of the no in the review it's because for one I was not in the places at the the time those reviews were even said took place. I have validation to prove that by my posting threads in different areas during the times those fake reviews were made. Second again all of those fake review handle names are now banned from them also making fake reviews of other providers! Just to ensure that someone would not catch on. This is shameful that a website cannot ensure that the providers are being given honest reviews