I know exactly who you are ManPussy. Times haven't changed you were a shit talking asshole then and you still are today.
You have always had a personal agenda against me and actually anyone' who doesn't laugh at your outdated jokes or join you in bashing of providers.
You have outed several providers by threatening them with bad reviews and claiming they have pimps.
You also are a cancer to this community. You claim to see so many ladies but refuse to write reviews.
You have been known to ask newbies for heavily discounted sessions in return for reviews.
I am glad I am no longer in the DFW so I don't have the smell the stench you leave behind. Your only goal on this site is to stir the ECCIE shit pot.
You are lame and disgruntled because there aren't providers even if business is bad that will schedule with you. Open your eyes you are the problem !!
Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
I have just figured out who you are J.G., you gave it away with the "You have always had a personal agenda against me" and "I am no longer in the DFW"...You are VIPMyaMichelle or Brownsugarbaby/bsb/Adrienne Baptiste...But I never tried to run them out of town. You even quote things I have said about them and maybe about 4 other Ladies here, that they are "a danger to our community...Look Mya (sorry I have to speak like this because I haven't narrowed it down which you are) who's ego, insecurity, inferiority complex got the best of her and she chased herself off here. She wrote a thread about me and my offer to take her on my sailboat, after a meet-n-greet, and have a session. What can I say, I heard she had a big clit and was kinda cute back then but it was months before I got tired of her egotistical shit and GPS attitude. Her threAD backfired big time. She wrote that threAD and the Ladies of Eccie came out of the woodwork telling her off and I eventually responded (because she was hanging herself without my help) and posted the convo from the text messages months before where she accepted the sailboat session, I just did not followup with it because she was banned at the time for her and BSB creating a mandle and writing fake reviews about themselves...Now comes BSB. At the time of the Mya drama building BSB, I felt, was trying to out me to defend Mya. She started asking me out, specifically to a Mavs game. I ended up playing her about meeting. Eventually Mya writes her thread and BSB is messaging me all day long (I was on the golf course), prodding me to respond. The threAD was not going well for Mya, BSB probably felt it would change if I got involved, I played it cool and it got worse for Mya. I slammed the door on her when I posted the text contents of the sailboat offer. Exit Mya and that led to the BSB battle over months and years till I find out from 2 dudes here she gave them the Clap /Gonorrhea. Well, she or you knew I knew and she made a decision to leave Dallas. All of our battles were open here on the Eccie forums, mostly shots across the bows till she knew I knew.
As for the rest of your bullshit about me it proves even more you aren't a Dude because my reviews aren't Grandstanding (I hate that shit), I rip dudes about that shit openly here; I mainly do overnights with Providers (and I get a wide range of rates for this and Providers don't want dudes to know what kind of deals they give me for these long sessions or the details of the sessions) and I never, ever negotiate short sessions. I don't see very many Newbies either (but I am so looking forward to seeing MayaCash very soon); Also, I don't write reviews anymore, they see that when researching me and some ask why I don't, so why would I threaten to write a bad review?...I have never had a Provider I requested to see reject me, also...And the vendetta against you because you don't laugh at my old jokes, HILARIOUS!!...Yep, you're a Cunt with a Mandle!!
Wow Mya or Adrienne Baptiste, good luck with your agenda against me, this is investigative Gold!!!